Monday, March 5, 2012

Pay It Forward 2012

Hello Everyone,
Look what I received in the mail from Stacy at MagicLoveCrow! One of her adorable baby crow paintings! She knows of my love for pretty teacups, so she did this painting especially for me! How special is that? I adore Stacy's paintings! You can visit her blog by clicking HERE.

Stacy sent me the painting as part of her "Pay It Forward 2012," and now I'm paying it forward as well. Here's how it works:

I promise to make something handmade for the first 5 people who comment on this blog post. In turn, those 5 people, please do a pay it forward. You may follow my and Stacy's lead and send something handmade to people who comment on your blog, or it can be as simple as giving an unexpected gift to a friend or paying for the next person in line's coffee at Starbucks...just as long as you pay it forward in 2012! I think this is a fun way to give back to followers of my blog. I wish I could make something for all of you, but....well, you understand!

Thank you, Stacy. I love my baby crow!

Until next time,


  1. I'm in! Such a great idea and cute painting! - Dana B , AZ

  2. Love the idea and pay it forwards are fun and rewarding. I had a pay it forward experience a few weeks in NYC. I was at starbucks the person in front of me was visiting for abroad and did not understand they needed more money. I paid the difference the visitor was surprised and delighted. The starbucks worker was happy I helped and gifted me a package of cookies!! Unexpected in NYC. Laura

  3. Laura, that's a wonderful pay it forward story! Ok, you and Dana B are in! I need 3 more!!

  4. What a NEAT idea!

    Count me in, I will do something!

    SHE is an excellent artist, and what a fun whimsical painting, how thoughtful of her!!!!!

  5. Oh Cindy Sweetie...
    How precious is this. I love your baby crow. She just screams SUMMER does she not? The coloring is just beautiful.

    Love to pay it forward. Thanks for the beautiful share this evening. Many hugs and much love, Sherry

  6. Hi Cindy, What a fabulous painted gift. I just love it. What a talent. Perfect for spring and summer and so delightful with color.
    Sounds like you are going to have a lot of fun with your pay it forward. I would love to participate, but overwhelmed with work at the moment.

    Blessings to you dear one. Thank you for stopping by too.
    Have a great week.
    XO CMD

  7. Cindy, your baby crow looks so happy ;o) I am glad you love her ;o) I loved doing it for you ;o) Just to let you know, if you don't get all your people, I don't mind doing another pay it forward ;o) Big Hugs ;o)

  8. Ok, this is great! Dana, Laura, Michele, Sherry and Ana Christina -you're all in and my first five! I'll contact you for your addresses. Thanks to everyone else who stops by and leaves a comment. Hugs to all,

  9. How fun!! I am loving your PIF that you got! It is BEAUTIFUL!

  10. That is the only cute crow I have ever seen. Very adorable!

  11. How nice of Stacy to send you the picture f the baby crow. What a nice idea of the paying it forward.

  12. Stacy's a treasure and the painting she made for you is a delight! PIF- great idea, maybe next time.

  13. Wonderful use of color and great cheer! I think this is something you'll love and treasure! The Pay It Forwards are fun -- you remind me I should do one soon!


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