Sunday, March 11, 2012

Author Interview with Cindy Adkins

 [To avoid confusion, please note: Cindy Adkins and I share the same name and are both writers and artists. This is my interview with her.]

Hello Everyone,
I'm very happy to share my interview with best-selling author and gallery artist, Cindy Adkins. Cindy lives in New Orleans, Louisiana, and is the author of 11 ebooks on that cover a variety of subjects from blogging and mixed-media art, to her fascinating books about angelic encounters and spirituality. Her latest book, "Spirituality: Making God Personal - Finding Joy" was just launched this week on and it's already a best-seller!  Please remember - if you don't own a Kindle, you can download a free app from Amazon to download books and read right on your computer (that's what I do and it's super easy.) To download the app, click HERE. Enjoy the interview!

1. What inspired you to write this book?
This book is really close to my heart. I think that it provides readers with a way to reach out and make God real in their lives. He is someone who we can talk to and this book makes that really clear. Also, I really wanted to be able to focus on a few Bible verses that are infused with hope and bring those to life, so to speak, in such a personal manner that lets people know that God promises us joy and we are able to find it through Him. Once we do, it changes everything.

2. How did you come up with the title?
I think that so many of us think of God as an entity that is “up there” somewhere - not close at hand and willing to listen to us whenever we come to Him. So, I chose the title because I think that when we make God personal and speak to Him heart to heart, it can change our lives.

3. What is the central message (in this book) you hope your readers grasp?
 I would say that the main theme of this book is that we all have questions about life. Some of them have no answers, such as why someone dies when we least expect it or why relationships don’t work out. But, even if we do not have the answers, we need something tangible to hold onto and that is faith.

Through this book, I also want readers to be aware that there are so many ways in which the Lord can make himself known to us if we start to pay attention. It provides people with guidelines for how to be sensitive to those nuances that are around them. What I want readers to know is that God is just as involved in our lives today as He was with those people that we read about in the Bible. He created us. We are important to Him.

4. Who are some of your favorite authors/books?
  My favorite author is Debbie Macomber. I enjoy her books immensely and I also love the book by Squire Rushnell entitled “God Winks.” When I discovered that book a few years ago, my husband and I were on vacation in Florida. After I read it, I went back to the store and bought 20 copies and mailed them to all my friends. I think that we all need inspiration around us and we can give hope to each other. That is also why I wrote “Do You Need a Hug from Heaven?” because so many of us receive “hugs” from heaven and may not recognize that we have experienced one. The whole point of my spiritual books is to let readers know that they are not alone and that at every point in their lives no matter what is happening, they have an ever-present Heavenly Father who loves them and that there are angels watching over them.

5. Do you have any advice for other would-be authors?
  I would say that if someone feels compelled to write something, they should sit down and begin. You see, we may write in solitude, but our words can impact thousands of people and change lives. I am comfortable with writing because I used to teach English and also the thesis I wrote for my Master’s Degree prepared me for doing extensive research. For 3 years, I had my own column in the newspaper, so writing is something that I find extremely enjoyable.

6. Can you tell us anything about any future books/projects you’re working on?
  I am very excited about something I am working on currently and it is a Young Adult Christian novel. I know that many of the books that I read when I was young influenced me greatly and I would like to make a positive impact on young people. In fact, when I was about twelve years old, I used to devour a series of books that is no longer in print and in those books, the author wrote about her daughters’ trips to Europe. By the time I was 18, I was on a plane headed for Europe and went as far east as Turkey. It was because of her stories because they made such a lasting impression on me.
So, can you imagine writing a Christian novel that talks about how fulfilling it is for teenagers to go on a mission with their church or how meaningful it is to start a non-profit organization? Today’s teenagers are savvy. They certainly have more exposure than I did as a teen, but I think that it is important to write for them in a manner that is not only intelligent, but also, pertinent to today’s world with ideas that they can wrap their brains around. Naturally, it has all the elements of “boy-meets-girl,” mixed with old-fashioned values. This novel is not preachy - it’s realistic. I have a feeling that my young readers’ mothers and grandmothers may be borrowing it because of the story. Why? Because it’s a tearjerker.

Thanks so much for the interview, Cindy - and thanks, also, for sharing the exciting news of your plans to write a Young Christian Adult novel! I'm sure it's going to be just as engaging as all of your other books.

If you're interested in purchasing Cindy's newest book, Spirituality: Making God Personal - Finding Joy, I've provided a link (below) that will take you directly to it on I've also provided links for all of Cindy's other spiritual books: Spirituality: Are You Hard-Wired for Happiness?, Do You Need a Hug From Heaven?, and Angels at My Door. Simply click on the picture of whichever book you're interested in seeing. To visit Cindy's blog "Whimsical Musings," click  HERE.

Until next time,

                                Linking to:  Spiritual Sundays
                                                  A Return to Loveliness
                                                 What's It Wednesday at Ivy and Elephants
                                                  Potpourri Friday at 2805


  1. WOW!!!!

    Check that out, neat!

    I think I need to get to readin those, lady!

    Good for you, that is amazing you have done so much, I am proud of you - not to sound condescending, I am truly sincere.

    WELL DONE!!!!

  2. To you two Cindys, I enjoyed this interview and the books sound wonderful.

  3. Loved reading more about Cindy!!! I absolutely ADORE her (and the Cindy that writes this blog too!!) ;)

  4. Sharing this with a friend. Have a great week!

  5. Hi Cindy,
    Thank you so much for this special feature--I appreciate it so much. I am so proud to be featured here at Art,Books, Tea--it is an honor, my friend.

  6. I enjoyed this interview very much, Cindy! Thank you for sharing about your friend Cindy with us. We will be sure to check out her book!

  7. Great interview, it's wonderful to find people passionate about their work. I have two of Cindy's books and they are both well worth reading. Thanks for sharing yourself with this interview. Hope the new book is another best seller!

  8. Sweet of you to post about Cindy so creatively.
    Enjoy you day, love.

  9. Thanks for sharing this interview with Cindy! She is an amazing and extremely talented woman!

  10. oh this is great! You made an interview with her. His writings on spiritual matter is very inspiring. It just motivates me to be the Lord's writer for he has done so much to me. His love is great.
    Gotta love our Cindy Adkins, and that makes you two :)


  11. Beautiful interview Cindy ;o) Thanks so much for sharing! The book sounds great!

  12. Thanks for the great interview with Cindy! I've read several of her books, and they are all awesome! I can hardly wait to read this one. Cindy has amazing talent, not to mention tons of creative energy!!!

  13. What a beautiful interview!!
    Cindy Adkins has touched my life in so many ways with her books, her friendship and her talent on every level.
    My life has become enriched and blessed through her tireless efforts.
    I look forward to Cindy's newest book when it comes out! I know it will be a huge success!!

    Blessings and Love to both Cindy's,


  14. What fun! And how odd to know someone with the same name and job.

  15. Thanks so much for sharing this post about Cindy. She is not only an amazing person but a sweet and kind spirit. (I guess it's in the name)
    Big hugs,

  16. Thanks for sharing your interview with Cindy and her inspiring books. I am going to view her books now. Hope you will visit Magnolia Cottage for Tea Time Tuesday. Have a wonderful day!


  17. Awesome interview Cindy and Cindy!!
    Have a great day!
    Always, Queenie

  18. Hi Cindy F. I enjoyed reading your interview with Cindy L. I have enjoyed all of Cindy's books too. Hope you both have a super week. Joyous Wishes and hugs, Linda

  19. Great interview, Cindy. One Cindy Adkins is good. Two is twice as good. I'm so glad you both blog and I have had the honor of meeting both of you through your blogs.


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