Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Angels in Early Spring ~

Incredible weather in Northwest Ohio again this week ~ it was bright sunshine and 75 degrees today, and it's suppose to be the same all week. I walked again today at the St. Frances Spirituality Center, so I'm sharing more pics of the angels and statuary there. These were snapped with just my phone camera. When I took this first one, it was so bright, I just had to point and shoot. I had no idea what I'd captured until I got home, and was surprised to see how the sun is shining right above this statue of Jesus!  I love it! 

If you missed my interview with best-selling author, Cindy Adkins (author of several ebooks, including "Spirituality: Making God Personal - Finding Joy" and  "Angels at My Door")  click HERE

Until next time,


  1. Great pictures, Cindy! I especially like the very first one and the last one. :)

  2. Beautiful Cindy ;o) I enjoyed all the pictures! Thanks for sharing! It's sunny here too!
    My friend, you called me bossy on Linda's blog? Now get your little butt back to my blog! LOL! Just teasing ;o) Big Hugs ;o)

  3. Those are gorgeous, cindy, thanks so much for sharing such beauty - and from your camera phone, no less, that's amazing isn't it?

    Enjoy this weather, sure is awesome.


  4. Cindy, what a beautiful place they created where you walked, and you captured a lot of beauty to share here.

  5. Gorgeous, gorgeous images here, Cindy! What beauty~ xo Diana

  6. What beautiful photos & statuary! The first photo is really amazing!

  7. What an inspiring place to take a stroll. Great photos.

  8. These photographs are lovely, Cindy. I'm glad you shared them.
    Thank you for stopping by. I just mailed out your Blue Skies tags and who knows, maybe Miss Chickadee wants to head your way too. ;) Thanks for participating.
    Much love!

  9. Cindy, you are so cute! Don't worry, my butt isn't that small either! LOL! Big hugs and lots of love ;o)

  10. Cindy, the first photo couldn't have turned out much better! Thanks for sharing the beauty in your area. Gorgeous here in Western PA too! Enjoy it!

  11. Boy oh boy, you're having Arzona weather up there in beautiful Ohio!
    I love prayer gardens and your pictures are wonderful! There is a special kind of peace in places like that.
    Have a great day,
    Always, Queenie

  12. Dear Cindy, Your photos are beautiful! What a wonderful place you have to walk. I love seeing all the statuary, thanks for sharing.
    Hugs, Maki

  13. Beautiful. DO love stone sculptures and you captured them well!

  14. The St. Frances Spirituality Center looks beautiful, Cindy. I enjoyed looking at all your photos.

  15. Love the photos. I'm glad you chose to share with us on Spiritual Sundays. I'll admit I was a little confused at first about your comment there. I was confusing you (again with the other Cindy Adkins) lol

  16. What lovely and spiritual pictures, Cindy!

  17. Angels come in all sizes; thanks for sharing some wonderful ones.

  18. Good Evening Cindy Sweetie...
    Oh how you blessed my eyes this evening. I love seeing your stroll through the gardens. How absolutely lovely they are. That first photo is priceless. Don't you love it when you get that perfect photo without even trying? God was just speaking to this picture. I love it.

    The angels are so beautiful. I love looking at their little faces. The expressions and their hands. So perfect. These photos are serene and took me to a beautiful place this evening. Thank you dear friend for sharing. I so enjoyed my stroll along with you.

    Have a glorious Sunday. Many hugs and much love, Sherry

  19. Your cellphone does amazing pictures !

  20. Good Morning, Cindy
    There is some lovely statuary on your walk. I imagine it a soothing place to spend some time.

  21. Lovely photographs. What a wonderful place to walk. Reminds the the time spent at Saint Mary-of-the-Woods and the beautiful seasons the revitalize and renew hope! Wonderful post! And I thank you for your visit! Cathy

  22. Oh wow. Such neat photos! Thanks for sharing! I live in the Pacific Northwest where we have had one storm after another... wind, rain, snow, hail, thunder & lightening.
    All while the rest of the country basks in sunlight! Oh well.
    Have a great weekend :)

  23. Hi Cindy, over from SunLit Sunday. Some great photos for sure. They are good. Cell phones seem to be getting better all the time. I have that same little angel in my courtyard except my is covered with patina. Blessings.

  24. Lovely! Looks like a wonderful, peaceful place to visit.

  25. Beautiful pictures of the statues, Cindy. I love the first one!


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