Sunday, March 18, 2012

Spring Photos

Spring is busting out all over! It was a lovely day for a long walk. Storm clouds moved in before I got home and it started to sprinkle. The air smelled so fresh and earthy after the rain. Everything is coming alive again after napping all winter. I love spring! These are from my walk:

...And then my heart with pleasure fills,
And dances with the daffodils.
William Wordsworth

Stormy skies...

Have a wonderful week, everyone!
Until next time,


  1. Beautiful images! NO Spring blooms here yet though...but I am anxiously waiting. xo Diana

  2. Your daffodil photos are so pretty. I can just imagine the fresh smell with the rain sprinkles. Have a nice week.

  3. So pretty that spring is here!

    Did you get that super nasty/tornado sighted storm that blew in tonight around dinnertime?

    I think it went south of us, so you may not have, wow, holy smokes it was a heckuva storm!!

  4. So beautiful Cindy ;o) I think by the time mom and I get home, there will be things blooming ;o) It's so hot here already! I love your stormy skies photos too! Excellent ;o) Hugs ;o)

  5. Gray clouds may be there but the scenery still looked serene and beautiful. The pictures look awesome :)

    Sunday Hugs!

  6. Such pretty pictures, Cindy! I love the bright yellow of the forsythia bushes. :)

  7. Oh, so pretty! We had a stormy weekend too, but we need the rain!

  8. Your spring flowers are beautiful Cindy. And look at that green grass. Our grass is just beginning to turn green and the trees just starting to bud. We may get to smell rain tomorrow as they are forecasting it. We need it badly.

  9. Hi Cindy, Beautiful photos. Our blooms are not quite ready but soon and I'm so happy spring is arriving. Have a wonderful week. Joyous Wishes, Linda

  10. There is nothing like beautiful spring flowers, my favorite.
    Have a great day!
    Always, Queenie

  11. Buster looks very intelligent.
    Joyce M

  12. Calling by as another Outdoor Wednesday participant, lovely to see signs of Spring but my favourites are the tree shots.

  13. Splendid quotes for lovely photos -- all that forsythia! It's popped here, too!

  14. Your images are beautiful, Cindy, so serene. I'm an autumn girl myself, but must admit I also love all the life and new hope that comes this time of the year.
    Glad to hear you liked your Blue Skies tags, and the timing could not be more perfect. I wish you many blessings for your birthday. Enjoy and tell us all about it.
    Much love.


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