Friday, February 3, 2012

Polka Dots and Cherry Blossoms ~

Who are these beautiful young girls? They're my grandnieces! From the left; Lauren, Katelynn and Carmen. Lauren and Katelynn are sisters and Carmen is their cousin. I love their matching pink polka dot dresses!!

We're still having plenty of sunshine and above normal temperatures. I've never experienced a February like this in northern Ohio before, and I'm not complaining! It has me thinking of flowering trees and all the gorgeous pink blossoms and flowers to come. Spring is my favorite season...until autumn arrives - then that's my favorite season! Nothing says spring like cherry blossoms!

All images of cherry blossoms: Wikipedia Images
Until next time,

Update: The morning after I wrote this post, I awoke to this (unpredicted) snowfall!!

Linking to Pink Saturday on How Sweet the Sound


  1. Such lovely young ladies! I saw my first pink flowering tree today here in GA but did not recognize what it is. Wishes for you to have a wonderful weekend.

  2. loving all the pink!!! and your nieces are beautiful! :):):):):):):):):):):)

  3. They are beautiful, you are blessed. I love the photographs of the pink blossoms. Makes me wish it were Spring.

    Happy Pink Saturday,


  4. Oh WOW, Cindy, I love your pinks!!! And your nieces are gorgeous dolls and I adore their polka dot dresses--so gorgeous!!!! What a perfect picture for Pink Saturday. I hope you have a wonderful weekend!!!

  5. Such cutie-pie grandnieces!!
    Beautiful cherry blossom pictures, brought a smile to my face.
    Have a great weekend too!
    Always, Queenie

  6. What adorable girls! I love their dresses!

  7. Those girls are just darling! They are soooo cute. We have had an unbelievable winter here, too! Hugs- Diana

  8. Def pretty in pink! Lovely looking girls.

  9. The girls are just adorable and your cherry blossom pictures are beautiful.

    Hugs XX

  10. Your grand nieces are beautiful! And we love cherry blossoms, too. :)

    Have a great weekend!

  11. Lovely young ladies! I really like their polka dot dresses too. I can't wait for the flowering trees to begin. I know it's too early yet, but it won't be long. :)

  12. The three girls are gorgeous, and the polka dot dresses are stunning. I too can't wait to see the cherry blossom, although at the moment we have a thick frost covering everything and snow is on the way :(

  13. Your grandnieces look lovely, so happy together. At the moment it is snowing, big wet and heavy snowflakes so your cherry blossoms are much appreciated!

  14. Such a lovely post today, Cindy! All 3 girls are beautiful...and those polka dot dresses are gorgeous. I hope the girls live close enough so you are able to see them often.

    Cherry blossoms are indeed one of the most beautiful signs of spring...I look at them as a reward for getting through winter.

    Have a great day.


  15. Beautiful photos Cindy - gorgeous girls and the blossoms are magnificent. We have just had a layering of snow here in the UK so we look like your last picture. xox

  16. Beautiful photos Cindy - gorgeous girls and the blossoms are magnificent. We have just had a layering of snow here in the UK so we look like your last picture. xox

  17. Your grandnieces are beautiful Cindy! We have been very warm weather here too! I think you jinxed yourself with the snowfall saturday morning! LOL! Have a great weekend!

  18. oh no all these lovely photos then to wake up to snow, yuck.
    Darling girls though.
    hugs Lynn

  19. Your grandneices are so cute Cindy. Beautiful photos.

  20. Your grandnieces are quite cute. I enjoyed the pictures of the cherry blossoms. By the way, are you enjoying your snow fall? :)

  21. Hi Cindy, Oh the girls are lovely. Darling little dresses too.
    Love the pics you share of the cherry blossoms. What an inspiration. To wake to the snowfall kind of bursts the bubble, but you sure have had mild weather so far. I lived in Mildford, Ohio for 5 years before moving to Texas 17 years ago. We had tons of snow the last year in Ohio 1995.
    Thank you for stopping by and your kind words.

    Have a great week.
    Hugs, Celestina Marie

  22. Cindy,
    I have always loved the cherry blossom tree. They are so pretty with their pink flowers. Your Grandnieces are so sweet in their polka dot dresses. You know, I'm a polka dot girl too.
    ~Sheri at Red Rose Alley

  23. Hi Cindy F!!!
    The girls are adorable!! I too love the polka dots!!
    We have the same crazy weather here in NJ!! People are out golfing today! We are usually full of snow December to march. How crazy is this??? It scares me! I'm afraid it will snow a month straight!! LOL!!
    Did you know I wasn't following you? I am now!!


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