Monday, February 6, 2012

Cats on Tuesday ~ Rudy's Update not disturb me. I'm meditating...Om...Ommm...

Hello friends, 
Rudy here. I am spokescat for this week - Buster too busy doing he daily meditations. I have to tell you about something - I been getting irritated at Mom lately because she keep trying to comb through my fur. I try to take comb thingy away from her and bite it!

Doesn't she know kitties clean their own fur? I don't need comb!! She say it will make me more handsome! I think I handsome enough already, don't you? Here I am:

Ok, let's see what other kitties are doing. Sam usual. Sam, wake up...oh, Sammy...wake up, Mom got fresh chicken for us. Me and Buster eat it all if you don't wake up!!

Oh well, I tried! He still, let's go see if Buster finish with meditations...


No...not yet. He must have lots of stresses to be meditating so long. He probably meditating on that fresh chicken in fridge! MOL!!  Well, friends, it's been nice visiting with you. See you next time,

For more funny cat stories, click HERE to visit Gattina's blog My Cats and Funny Stories.


  1. Love your cat stories. Do you know Confessions of a Junkyard Cat? She writes through the eyes of Romeo (her cat) and you will love her blog! xo Diana

  2. What a face! haha! Such cute kitties.

  3. Hi Cindy, Oh I love this sweet story. They are just dreamy and beautiful kitties.

    You are so creative with your posts and make it so much fun. Thank you for stopping by and your kind comment.
    Have a great evening.
    XO Celestina Marie

  4. Buster is darned good at meditating! I think I need to try that!

  5. Soooooooo adorable! :):):):):):):):):):):)

  6. Hi Rudy,
    Seems to me as though you are the only normal cat around the household! MOL!
    Gabby and Gizzy don't care much for the comb thing either and they much prefer doing their own grooming.
    I say you need cheeze burger.


  7. Hi Rudy! Yes, you're very handsome. I love to get combed but Simba hates it like you.

    Rudy is too cute with his meditations. Too bad Sammy didn't wake up. I bet that chicken was good!

  8. One of my cats, Homer, hates to have his belly touched. But his fur gets matted if we don't brush it. He understands Rudy's suffering.

  9. Toooooo adorable love this post.....


  10. Yes, I am a fully grown-up adult woman LMFreakinHO. Soooo adorably cute. Thanks ;)

  11. I love this! Such sweet kitties.

  12. Aw, this is such a cute post. Great pictures! :)

  13. MOL! Love the meditation pose... obviously building up lots of good karma there! And Rudy, you are gorgeousness itself already, but sometimes you have to put up with those strange attentions from humans, we're a strange lot. xx

  14. You really look like a cat guru !
    My cats don't like to be brushed either. Rosie bites the brush, Arthur supports but then he starts to hiss, Pookie doesn't say anything but you see that she doesn't like it either and Kim .... she runs away as if the devil was behind her ! It's a drama to catch her and take her to the groomer because she gets knots in her long fur ! and should be brushed every day ! Now way !

  15. I`m pawing in real quiet so I don´t disturb Busters meditation :)
    My mom she is combing me a couple of times a week and I LOVE it !
    Rudy I don´t think its very nice of you to try to fool Sam when he is sleeping !

  16. I love this post too, Cindy. You really do make them enjoyable.

  17. I thoroughly enjoyed Rudy's post and especially the pictures!

  18. Do not despair Rudy! You are quite the handsome man cat.
    Alas, sometimes we have to humor our humans with this combing business. I know its hard, but you are awesome man cat and up to the challenge.
    Have a great day.
    Always, Queenie

  19. Hi Rudy, yes you are a beautiful kitty. Did you get Buster away from his meditation and Sam awake? Or did you get to eat all the chicken yourself?

  20. Sam I (Buster) don't like getting combed too, but my sisfur Emma cannot get enough of that darn thing. She even demands it.

    Emma and Buster

  21. I love these posts so much Cindy! Well done! And, thanks for always putting a smile on my face ;o)

  22. Rudy, maybe your Mom is trying to help you with loose furrs. Look on the bright side -- if your Mom brushes loos furrs off you, you don't have to swallow them.

  23. Oh gosh, your kitties are absolutely adorable, Cindy! We're inspired by Buster ... we're going to go meditate now. :)

  24. It sounds like you just love your little furry cats - and they sound like they adore you too. My son keeps wanting me to get a dog, but I'm not sure if I'm up to it yet.
    ~Sheri at Red Rose Alley

  25. Well your kitties are just too cute. I have a few of mine own and they all seem to have the same attitude.
    Great fun. I'm your newest fan,

  26. Mjau!

    Keep on meditating Buster, it is so irritating when others decide what to do!
    And Rudy, you are handsome, your hair looks shiny and groom! You don't need a comb at all.
    Why don't Sammy wake up, doesn't he like chicken? May be he had his part a minute ago, still 'stuck' and need more sleep!

    Mjau greetings from Sia


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