Thursday, February 2, 2012

Aunt Hazel's Advice ~

My Aunt Hazel 1952
I think she looks like a movie star in this photo!

January 14th was my Mom and her twin sister's birthday. Mom passed away in 1998, but Aunt Hazel is still going strong at age 87. She lives alone in her own apartment, takes the Senior's bus 2 or 3 times a week to go shopping, does all her own cleaning and cooking, etc., loves to read true crime novels and watches CNN and HLN religiously. Her only complaint - her right knee has been giving her a lot of pain, so she's considering knee replacement surgery.

Aunt Hazel January 16, 2012

Aunt Hazel has been through a lot in her 87 years; divorce, the death of her eldest son, the passing of her parents, several of her beloved brothers and her twin sister. I called her on her birthday and we talked for over two hours! I asked what life advice she'd give and she said "just know that everything has a way of working out and don't dwell on the past. Life changes, and you have to learn to change with it." Then she said her son had called and also asked her what she attributed her longevity to; she told him "taking things one day at a time...and kindness." I said, "really? Kindness?"  She answered, "well, yes...just being kind to everyone and not getting upset over every little thing. I think kindness goes a long way."  I thought this was well worth sharing.

Outside her apartment January 16, 2012

To say I admire this woman is an understatement! I hope I inherit her genes, strength and wisdom!
Until next time,


  1. love it! makes me miss grandma. Chantelle and I agree, Aunt Hazel does look like a movie star.

  2. That must be pretty cool to have an Aunt as a twin. She shared some wonderful advice. I think I need to ask some of my family members to share what they have learned through life.
    TFS hugs Lynn

  3. She did look like a Hollywood star but I think she still looks beautiful!
    Our Grandma June (I think she is about your Aunt's age) used to live by herself, but she got tired of living in Upper Peninsula, and now she is with our Aunt who takes care of her.

  4. such a sweet post you did on your Aunt, celebrating her birthday and her wisdom. Belated Happy Birthday greetings to your Aunt Hazel!

  5. SMART woman...and she looks amazing for her age. I so agree with what she said. I have told my kids that if I was remembered for one thing I would hope it would be for kindness. xo Diana

  6. Hi Cindy,
    I love the story of your aunt. She does look like a movie star and she still has the same smile!
    I have twin daughters. They just turned 42. (Wow am I getting old). They are not identical but still people used to get them mixed up. I am going to have to ask them what it was like for them growing up as twins. They do sometimes have some funny stories when we all get together. I have 2 other daughters also.

  7. What a great outlook your aunt has, such sound advice.
    She looks fantastic, I would never have guessed she was in her eighties.

  8. She sounds like such a precious lady, Cindy. And I think her words are very wise. By the way, I remember reading the first post you did on your mom and aunt. I think that was the first time you participated in Time Travel Thursday, wasn't it? ;)

    Hope you have a wonderful weekend.

    Liz @ The Brambleberry Cottage

  9. Your aunt was and is beautiful...inside AND out!

  10. What a sweet tribute to your Aunt! She seems to be a wonderful and wise woman. Wishing her many more happy birthdays!

  11. What a beautiful, and wise woman! I wish her a Happy Birthday and many more to come! Big Hugs Cindy! I am sorry for the loss of your mom at such a young age!

  12. Great advice and she certainly doesn't look her age, Happy Birthday!

  13. What a beautiful Auntie you have, her kindness radiate like a halo around her.
    Have a great day,
    Always, Queenie

  14. She is BEAUTIFUL and sounds like an amazing woman! :):):):):):):):):):):)

  15. She's such a beautiful lady and you've written a wonderful post! ♥

  16. Aunt Hazel was indeed a beauty in that 50's photo...and she still looks fabulous now! She definitely looks younger than almost 90!

    How awesome that you still have her in your life. What a huge blessing that is!!

    Great advice she has given as well.

    Have a lovely evening.


  17. I enjoyed this so very much. Blessings to your dear Aunt. I love the pictures.

  18. You are blessed to have such an aunt, and I am sure she feels she is blessed to have you. Thank you for sharing.

  19. What a wonderful post! She is lovely both then and now, and I think her advice is well worth sharing.

  20. Wonderful advise! Thank you for introducing you Aunt at Potpourri Friday!

  21. Oh WOW, Cindy, your aunt sounds so fabulous and she looks beautiful!!! I love her advice and I'm SO happy that you shared it with all of us on the link party!!!

  22. I loved reading this blog and think your Aunt Hazel is a very wise woman. You are so lucky to have her, enjoy these moments together, blessings, Maureen.

  23. She sounds like a lovely lady, Cindy. She certainly was a beauty too, wasn't she?

  24. Love this. Yes, she did look like a movie star and still looks fantastic. I hope am fortunate to reach that age and be active like your darling Aunt.

  25. precious story. I'm so glad you have your aunt hazel!!

    Sharon @ mrs. hines class


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