Wednesday, February 1, 2012

The Classics

Hello Everyone,
Thanks to my friend Patti's blog, "They Don't Make 'Em Like They Used To,"  I found out today is one of my all-time favorite actor's birthday - Clark Gable. He would be 111 years old. In my mind, of course, he'll always be "Gone With the Wind's" Captain Rhett Butler, that scoundrel from Charleston who was expelled from South Point - and not received by any respectful family in South Carolina! If you enjoy old movies, you'll love Patti's blog! She knows more about classic movies than any person I've ever met in my life! Her blog is full of fascinating information, photos and movie reviews. In Patti's words:

"Classic movies are not just antiquated films from a bygone era...rather, they are beautiful, well-acted, well-written gems that ought not to fade into obscurity. Truly, Hollywood just doesn't make 'em like they used to!!! I hope you'll discover some must-sees by your visit here." 

So, Happy Birthday, Clark Gable, King of Hollywood - and thank you, Patti. To visit "They Don't Make 'Em Like They Used To," click HERE.

Until next time,


  1. GWTW is one of my all-time favorites, any time it is on, I watch it. I often wondered why they did not do a remake, and I was told because no actor can play that part like Clark Gable! Amazing. xo

  2. Hi Cindy, My late mom loved Clark Gable! Thanks for the link and I'll check out her blog.

    I blogged recently about Thomas Kinkade coming out with a Gone With The Wind painting - you can see the painting here:

  3. (sigh) I have ALWAYS loved GWTW AND Clark Gable...he is still delicious-looking...classic good looks stand the test of time!

  4. Wish there were more classics shown on tv, black and white movies are a single treasure, there's nothing that measures up to that era. Some of these great actors passed on too young.

  5. I love the classics!!! It amazes me that GWTW was a 1939 movie. Wow.



  6. As a nostalgia buff, I love old movies too. Have read and watched GWTW many times. Great post.

  7. What a sweet post, Cindy! Thanks for bragging on my blog like that. Truly, I am by no means an expert on classic films, but I do love them and have enjoyed learning about them.

    I homeschooled my kids all the way through high school. Well, my second child graduated in 2010, and I needed a new direction for my life. There is a quote I like which goes like this:

    "Find something you are passionate about and keep tremendously interested in it." (Julia Child)

    Ever since I got into classic movies in the mid 2000's, I've been passionate about them and even thought about writing a classic movie guide. So, I decided to run with that passion...which is why I started my movie blog last year.

    I TRULY believe that nothing that is made today can hold a candle to the films of yesteryear, so I enjoy helping others discover the beauty of those great classic films.

    Thanks for such a sweet post!!


  8. I will pop over there. I LOVE all the old classics! xo Diana

  9. To me, there is nothing better than an old classic!

  10. Patti is right...they don't make them like the used to....both movies and men! lol

    I love Clark Cable.

  11. Yes, he was a fantastic actor! Great tribute to him! Valerie

  12. I can't even imagine another man as Rhett Butler. Clark Gable was born to play that part:)

  13. I already follow Patti's blog and I consider her one of the nicest and most genuine people that I've come across in the blogosphere.
    Well done for posting this Cindy and as I'm an Englishman I do share one of your three loves which is tea. In fact I'm drinking a cup as a I post this.
    Enjoy the rest of your day.

  14. Love Clark!! He was a true gentleman! LOVING this post! :):):):):):):):):):):)

  15. Soooooo dashing and handsome!! Happy B-Day Rhett :o)
    Have a great day.
    Always, Queenie

  16. I love old movies, and this is definitely on my favorites list. Interestingly enough, it has also been a favorite of my daughter's since she was a young teen. ;)

    Thanks for linking to Time Travel Thursday, Cindy.

    Liz @ The Brambleberry Cottage

  17. I agree, they don't make them like they use too!

  18. I love classic great to watch over and over! ♥


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