Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Give-away Winner and Gingerbread Houses~

Hello everyone,
Today is the day to annouce the winner of my teapot give-away and the winner is... Jil at Say It With Roses!!  Congratulations, Jil!  Thank you to everyone who visited and participated! Each of you made my first give-away a very fun experience for me!

Yesterday, I visited Kingwood Center in Mansfield, Ohio. For those who don't know, Kingwood Center is a 47-acre public estate/garden that was a private residence, at one time. It was decorated for Christmas and my first time visiting during the holidays. It was gorgeous!! I took lots of photos and will be doing a full post about it later, but today I'm sharing photos of a couple of the wonderful creations that were on display for the Gingerbread House contest.  Enjoy!

Until next time,


  1. Heisann!

    Soon Christmas, mum will come back, mjaugreetings form Sia

  2. Congratulations to Jil. I look forward to more pictures of your visit to Kingwood Center.

  3. I love these charming gingerbread houses! Thanks so much for stopping by and following my blog, Cindy...I am a new follower, too! So nice to make a new blog friend!

  4. Love the gingerbread houses...
    Congrats, Jil!

  5. Oh WOW, Jil must be SOOOO excited!!! She is a doll and probably so happy to win your amazing giveaway, Cindy!!!

    And I LOVE the gingerbread houses too!!! So adorable.

    I am so thrilled that you enjoyed the seminar--I am getting LOTS of emails that it's really helping people!!!

    Christmas (((hugs))) from me,

  6. Congrats to Jil! Great gingerbread houses!

  7. It looks beautiful.. and delicious!! Congrats to Jill! What a wonderful price!!


  8. These little houses are so beautiful !

  9. Congrats to Jil :) I also love your gingerbread houses. They are one of my favorite holidays items.

  10. Great pictures, Cindy. That reminds me there's a home I've been wanting to tour here in Louisville.


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