Tuesday, December 13, 2011

"And Heaven and Nature Sing!"

Hello everyone ~ I'm sharing the second painting in my "Christmas Carols" series. This one is called "And Heaven and Nature Sing!"

"Joy to the World, the Lord is come! Let earth receive her King;
Let every heart prepare Him room,
And Heaven and nature sing,
And Heaven and nature sing,
And Heaven, and Heaven, and nature sing!'

Painted with acrylics on a 5 x 7 canvas board. I'll be painting one each week for my Christmas Carols series until the end of the year. If you missed the first one, you can see it by clicking HERE.
Until next time,

Linking to:


  1. Oh how I love, love, love this series!! These are the cutest paintings I've ever seen. Lovely, lovely work.

  2. Oh this is so totally beautiful!!! and I'm putting it on Twitter too!!!!

  3. Those are lovely paintings, truly very YOU with the cats in them. Happy HOlidays, and more blessings for you!

  4. Oh Cindy, I'm so glad you got out your paints out again! This is so cute. It will be fun to see what's next in the series.
    Love you new header too.

  5. This tickles. Love the song in their faces. So much fun they are having.

  6. Beautiful painting Cindy, you are so talented!

  7. I love it, I love it, I love it!! :)

  8. You know, Cindy, the trees on your header are gorgeous too. That's how I really love trees, just snow and lights. Wish I could decorate our indoor Christmas tree like that one year. Hmmm...maybe I should try it out on a smaller scale this year.
    Very inspiring.

  9. This painting is beautiful in its simplicity, Cindy. Excellent!

  10. So cute and fun...thanks for sharing...the snow and lights soo pretty...

  11. I love this, I should paint one with all my dogs.I am now following.

  12. I am sorry, Google is not letting me join, I will keep trying, I am sure they will get this glitch fixed.

  13. How sweet is that..Happy Pink Saturday..xo Tami

  14. I love and enjoy all paintings of any kind. You are doing a super job on your series.

  15. Hello, Beautiful art work..just beautiful..love it..and found you over at Hope In Every Season..Now following..I love your Snowman and his friends..

  16. What a delight to see these lovely decors.!

    Pink at my page, please come and see. Have a wonderful holiday from my family to yours!

  17. How sweet! I enjoy seeing your work, you have such talent!

    Happy Pink Saturday!
    Sherry @ A Happy Valentine

  18. Thank you for sharing the season at Potpourri Friday! May you have a Merry Christmas and the Happiest of Holidays!


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