Thursday, December 15, 2011

Kingwood Center Christmas ~

Hello Everyone,
I have photos to share of my trip to Kingwood Center in Mansfield, Ohio on Tuesday! A brief history: Kingwood Center is a 47-acre estate, built in 1926 by Mr. and Mrs. Charles Kelley King. The couple never had children, so most of their estate was left to a private foundation that continues to operate the center today. Mr. King made his fortune working with the Ohio Brass Company. Staff and volunteers go all out with decorations for the holidays! The home consists of three floors, with most of the main living area being on the second floor. Bedrooms are on the third floor, and the first floor contains the Assembly Room (or Ballroom.) To visit Kingwood Center's website, click HERE.  Now, on to the holiday tour!

A 14-foot Christmas tree greets you as you enter the foyer.

The "marble" staircase.*
*After my original post, I received a comment from one of the wonderful volunteers at Kingwood Center. She informed me that the marble banister is actually a faux marble. It's wood painted with a feather to give it a marble look. I had no idea! It looks exactly like marble!

Second floor hallway, showing stairway going up to third floor.

The dining room - Mr. and Mrs. Claus at the table!

Handpainted wallpaper from France in the dining room

Many of the original furnishings are still in the mansion. This is in the second floor hallway.

All of the following photos were taken in Mr. King's personal "sitting room," which I might add, is one of the larger rooms in the home. He would go there to relax, read, and occasionally entertained guests there. The antique cabinet to the right of the first photo still contains some of Mr. King's personal books.

The library, which is right next door to Mr. King's sitting room.

I hope you've enjoyed this brief tour of Kingwood Center! If you missed my post of the outside gardens when I visited the center in October , you can see it by clicking HERE. I hope everyone has a wonderful day!

Until next time,


  1. Thank you for taking us on a tour! I find it the hand-painted wallpaper from France amazing! It is sad they never had children.
    What a beautiful place! I have to remember this in case we go to Ohio.


  2. I definitely enjoyed my brief tour of the Kingwood Center. It certainly is a very large estate. I couldn't imagine living in such a large place as that, but it does look beautiful!

    I'm having a little give-away at my blog. I'm hoping that you will want to participate. :)

  3. How pretty! It must take a lot to keep it up to the knocker.

  4. I'm always amazed at how lavish some of these old estates are. They are always fun to tour, thanks for sharing this with us.

  5. Hi Cindy,
    This tour is incredible. Everything in this estate is just gorgeous and so inpsiring. Love the reindeer standing in the window.
    Thank you for sharing and thank you also for stopping by and your kind comment. It is so nice to meet you and thank you for becoming a new follower on my blog. I am honored to have you and I am a happy follower here now too.
    Have a wonderful weekend and Merry Christmas,
    Hugs, Celestina Marie

  6. Hi Cindy, Thanks for the tour of the Kingwood Mansion. It's hard to imagine living in a place like that. They are fun to visit though.
    My whole house would probably fit in the sitting room.
    Have a wonderful Christmas.

  7. The furniture and wallpaper are perfect in that setting. High ceilings and beautiful staircases, a table set for tea, lovely.

  8. Thank you for sharing this beautiful place! It's very pretty. I can only imagine what it looks like up close and personal.
    I would love for you to come share your perspective and inspiration at my Show & Tell link party. It starts on Wednesdays each week at

  9. can you imagine living in a home like that? I would have so much fun. As long as someone else did all the work phew. Just the decorating would be a huge undertaking. Would be awesome to direct it though and plan it all out.

  10. Thank you for visiting my blog CIndy! I have so much to learn and I can't wait!!!
    I love your pictures of the home tour. What a lovely outing it must have been. I'm always interested in those things when they appear in our neck of the woods. I'm following you cause us "newbies" have to stick together. It'll be fun to watch our growth and progress thru Blogland! Merry Merry Christmas Cindy

  11. Beautiful place! Thanks for sharing. Pat

  12. Gorgeous place. Isn't it fun to visit homes like this .. to see them all decorated and to get more ideas! I'm all *ideaed* out!!!! Making a list and hopefully will remember them for next year!

  13. Love historic homes featured in blogs. What a gorgeous home, dining room and sitting area. Thanks for sharing! Merry Christmas. ~CJ

  14. Such a beautiful tour!

    Thank you for linking to Potpourri Friday! May you have a Merry Christmas and the Happiest of Holidays!

  15. Hi Cindy,
    Sorry I missed you when you were visiting. Hopefully I will get a chance to say hi on your next visit. I’m glad you made it out to see a Kingwood Center Christmas and what lovely pictures you took. A note for your blog. The marble banister is actually a faux marble. It is wood painted with a feather to give it a marble look. I love to point that out because it looks so very much like marble. Have a Very Merry Christmas!


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