Saturday, December 10, 2011

Girls-Only Christmas Party ~

Today was my family's annual "girls only" Christmas party. No men allowed at this get-together! (Well, except for the baby boys - they're allowed!)  I have 3 sisters and many nieces and grandnieces, so it's a fairly large group. In the past, we've done a cookie exchange, but this year we exchanged ornaments. Here's the ornament I received ~ isn't it cute?!

My eldest niece hosted the party. On the menu: three different types of lasagna, pizza for the children, salad, homemade Challah bread (baked by my eldest sister) and a red-velvet peppermint cake! Her home was decorated in blue & white for the holidays, and everything looked sooo pretty, I had to share pictures with you, of course!

The entry and stairway

On the stairway landing, she had a snowman gourd I painted for her more than 10 years ago. I was touched to see she still has it!

Her beautiful tree

Some of the other blue & white decorations around her house.

Even a jar of blue and white candy canes!

We had a great time, and even the weather cooperated ~ cold, but with bright sunshine.

If you haven't yet entered my give-away, you still have 3 days (click the button on my sidebar!)
Until next time,

                 Pink Saturday at How Sweet the Sound


  1. The party sounds fun! The blue and white decors are absolutely gorgeous!! Can't get enough of them!

    Sounds like you had a great time!


  2. Cindy, what a fun family, girls-only event!! I LOVE this idea. Your niece's house looks SO pretty & the menu sounds wonderful. I adore the gourd that you painted...oh my, you're talented! Hugs to you!!

  3. I forgot to tell you that I grew up in Columbus & graduated from Ohio State. All four of my kids were born there.

  4. How lovely to exchange tree ornaments with your "girls", each one a momento of a wonderful time together.
    The blue & white theme is a bold choice, but it works!
    Imagine, blue & white candy canes too, who knew?

  5. What a sweet project! Please consider sharing with my readers at

    Christmas blessings!

  6. Your sister's home looks so pretty. I really love all the aqua & white. I'm glad to hear you had a great day.

  7. Love the aqua and white and your ornament is too cute!

  8. What a lovely idea! I love the blue candy canes!

    I came across your blog via Beverly's Pink Saturday. I am going to include a link to your blog in my post next week.

    Merry Christmas!

  9. sounds like lots of fun...and what a great idea!

  10. Everything looks so beautiful, the is gorgeous!! Seasons Greetings, friend! Hugs, Gayle.

  11. It looks so lovely. You know, you could actually make me long for a "real" Christmas!

  12. Everything is beautiful...I must find the aqua and white candy canes for my tree!

  13. Cindy - What a lovely decorator your hostess is! Everything so color coordinated in the blues and whites - beautiful! And, the curve ball PINK ornament you took home - cute as can be! I have been busy at school with the holiday shows - one more this week - missed putting a Pink Saturday up - but I do have my tea post this week. Really hope things slow down in the new year so I can have more time on blogger!! Both for reading and writing!

  14. The blue and white tree is dazzling. And those candy canes - how festive. I really like toroqoise ornaments at Christmas, and have a few on my tree this year.
    ~Sheri at Red Rose Alley

  15. Hi Cindy,

    Beautiful decorations! I love your sisters Christmas tree. Your snowman gourd is so cute.
    The ornament you received is adorable!


  16. I love the little ornament and the house looks wonderful in those colours. I love it. I am sort of stuck with what I can do in my house now as I have the red and gold going on.
    Nice to visit you again

  17. what a wonderful time you must have had! i love the ornament and you took some great photos of the awesome decorations. i'm wishing you many Christmas blessings! xo

  18. What a fantastic idea! An all girls party! Love the decor and the menu sounds wonderful!

  19. Oh WOW, WOW, WOW, what gorgeousness here, Cindy!!! I love that tree and the staircase--how completely BEAUTIFUL!!! and I adore your header--it is purely magical, my friend.


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