Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Cats on Tuesday - Hello from Kitties!

Hello everyone,
Rudy here. Mom still taking break from blogging...but I sneak on computer to say hello and hope everyone having pawsome time in winter! I have to hurry before Mom catches me on her laptop! MOL!!


We are all good and well. Sammy still sleeping and eating most of the time. See for yourself:

Buster still trying to be the boss of me. That's okay. He is a furry old cat, so I let him have his way most of time - except when he try to bite my ears! He think he is boss of Mom, too. One night she get ready to go to bed and find him on her pillow! He give her a look that say "don't you dare move me!"

We have crazy weather. First it was freezing...now it's warm like summer. Here is picture of me sitting in window box...am I a pretty flower?? MOL!

Well, that is all the news from here. I better go now before I get caught on computer! I hear Mom say she is missing blogging already, so she will return, friends. Don't worry. In meantime, me and Buster and Sam will keep you updated on everything. Stay safe and warm!

Until next time,

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Winter Hiatus

Hello everyone,
I'm taking a hiatus from blogging. My job, and other things, must take priority in my life right now, so blogging will have to wait until I have more free time. I truly value all the friendships I've made and thank you so much for following and your interest in my blog. I may return in the spring - perhaps with a new focus for what I wish to share and write about. But, for now, enjoy your winter, everyone, and stay warm (for those who live in cold climates, anyway!) I'm going to try to still visit all of your blogs, as time allows. For those of you who are on facebook, I invite you to join my page there: CindyAdkinsArt. I'll still be updating there and occasionally have giveaways of my art, etc. Would love to see you there! That link can be found HERE.
Until next time,
Cindy, Buster, Rudy and Sam



Monday, January 7, 2013

Cats on Tuesday - Buster's New Year's Resolutions


Hello Everyone,
Buster here. Is time for me to blog again for our special day, Cats on Tuesday. So much has happen in past month, I don't know where to begin. First, this is old photo of me, Buster, on computer. Mom say Blogger not working right and won't let us post new picshures.


 First thing happen was Christmas. This is time when humans bring trees inside house, which I think is very good idea. Only bad thing is we can't climb on it because after they bring tree inside - they hang shiny balls all over it!! So, when Mom not looking, I take a swipe at balls...MOL!  Is also time for presents and good food. Mom went to Aunt's house and come home with fresh roast beef and roast turkey for us! Personally, this my favorite part of Christmas.
Next thing happen was big snow come out of sky and cover everything!! OMC! Was so cold outside, would freeze my whiskers! Here is my paw print in snow on patio. Thank COD Blogger let us download this photo, so I can show you proof of snow! 

After big snow, come New Year. This part I don't really understand, but Mom say is brand new year and time for new beginnings. All I know is humans act crazy for one night, make lots of noise and kiss each other. Mom also say is time for new year resolutions, which is when you tell something you aren't going to do anymore, but most likely will never keep promise. So, this is my resolution: I promise to stop biting Rudy's ears and not eat so much roast turkey. Now, friends, you think I will keep my resolution? tee...hee...hee

Until next time,