Sunday, November 4, 2012

Cats on Tuesday - Rudy's Turn

Hello friends,
Dis is Rudy. Time for me to write for our special blogging day, Cats on Tuesday. For those who like kitties, be sure to visit Gattina's blog at My Cats and Funny Stories for more furry funny cat stories.
First, I give you update on Buster after his horrible time at hospital. He is back to his normal self...doing he daily meditations and biting my ears and trying to be boss of me and Sam. Here you can see for yourself that he is good and well now.
Sam is good, too, and doing what Sam do best - sleeping and eating! MOL!
Now, I want to tell you a story about me. When I was tiny kitty, I lived in a garage with my real (cat)
Mom and brothers and sisters. My human pawrents at that time couldn't keep all of us, so they put an ad in paper that say FREE KITTENS TO GOOD HOME. This is when Mom Cindy come to get me. I was first (and only one) of my sisters and brothers she picked up and I snuggled under her chin on her shoulder. She fell in love with me and I fell in love with her and she become my new pawrent. Today I am a grown man-cat, but I still like to sit on her shoulder. Here is picture of us Mom take a couple weeks ago...she say I almost smother her. MOL!

What else I been doing is napping...

...and guess what? I finally talk Buster into teaching me how to do meditations. He say it help with stresses...I bet he had lots of stresses the day he got tooth pulled out of his head! MOL! How do you think I'm doing? 
Om...roast chicken...omm...ham...toona...fresh

Well, friends, I hope you like my update. Everyone have a good week.
Until next time,


Michele M./ Finch Rest said...

Hey Buster n Ruby,

This is Romeo who is kinda like a pirate now with one bad eye.

I jus got back from my 6th doctor's appointment Dad took me to today and Doc says it isn't worse but it isn't much better so in 2 weeks they decide if I need to go to a kitty eye specialist and have my eye sewn shut or something like that.

Mom is so upset she can't even remember exactly what Dad said.

But I am feeling lots better and glad you kitty palz are too.

Mom Cindy is very cute and lucky to have you for a caring and loving Pawrent.

Meow and ♥

Romeo the Pirate
EYE MATEY (get it? Mom thinks she is so danged funny, I just look at her with my good eye and try to tell her "not-so-much."

Ingrid said...

Buster looks real good ! and I see, despite the fact you have grown a tiny bit, since you were a kitten, you still fit on her shoulder !!

Queenie Believe said...

Rudy you make me MOL which my fur babes who of the canine variety think is odd but have come to expect just about anything thing from the pawrental unit :o)
So glad Buster is doing well and has given up his secrets on meditation. You look very cute meditating. I think it makes you nose extra pink.
Have a great day.
Always, Queenie

Julie Tucker-Wolek said...

Looking good!! Glad everyone is ok!!!!

Connie said...

Sweet pictures! Looks like everyone is doing A-OK. :)

Grandma Barb's This and That said...

I'm glad you are all doing well! Say hi to Mom Cindy.

Magic Love Crow said...

Rudy, I am laughing my head off! I figured out I am doing my meditations wrong! I have to start thinking about food! LOL! So happy Buster is doing well ;o) And, I am happy Sam is still sleeping and eating ;o) I love the picture of you and your mom!! Big Hugs Cindy!! I had to read this post before I went to bed! You have left me with a big smile ;o) Thanks! I will have pleasant dreams ;o)

Barbara Neubeck said...

Hi Rudy......glad to hear Buster and Sam are OK and that you are meditating now.It's so nice that your Mum Cindy choose you from your other family and took you home with her.
Have a 'relaxing' week
Barb from Australia

❀~Myrna~❀ said...

Sweet story & sweet kitty pics!

Antiques And Teacups said...

Glad Buster's better. I'm with Sam. He knows what to do. Stay in, sleep and keep warm between meals. Ahhhh

Unknown said...

Cute Cute Photos! we have 3 kitty fur babies at my house.


Sharon Wagner said...

Oh my. I haven't been doing enough cat posts with my cat blogging friends. Because I just noticed the MOL. Meow Out loud. What a hoot!

Cindy Adkins said...

Oh this is tooo cute, "Pawrent Cindy!" xo Cindy

meowmeowmans said...

Buster, Sam and Rudy, you guys are just too cute! We're super glad that Buster is doing so much better. And Rudy, we LOVED your gotcha story. :)

Toni Hiller said...

I share your cats on tuesdays blog with the lady I work with.
She is an avid pet lover.
She loves the blog so now you have her creative wheels turning.


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