Sunday, September 16, 2012

Vintage Glass Lawn Ornaments

Hello everyone,
Our weather this weekend has been absolutely gorgeous! Yesterday was 72 degrees, sunny, with a slight breeze - couldn't be better for a late summer day. Unfortunately, I've come down with a virus of some sort with a sore throat and alternating between chills and burning up! So, I'll be enjoying all that sunshine from indoors today. I want to share some photos I took last weekend at our local flea market, though. One person was selling these vintage glass lawn/garden ornaments and bottle trees. I can't decide if I like them or not? They're different...and very pretty, but that's a LOT of beautiful, vintage glassware that would look good on a dining room table! Still though, not everyone likes to use vintage table settings, so I suppose it's another good way to recyle glass. What do you think?


...and, the pumpkins are out, so we know autumn is around the corner!
Enjoy the week ahead. I'm excited about the arrival of fall - looking forward to the change and also seeing all the beautiful autumn decorations, tablescapes, artwork, etc. on other blogs.
Until next time, 
                                  Outdoor Wednesday at A Southern Daydreamer
                      What's It Wednesday at Ivy & Elephants
                                          Time Travel Thursday at The Brambleberry Cottage


  1. They are very clever, but I would probably spot something I wanted on my table!
    I hope you are soon feeling better.
    We've just been enjoying a few lovely summery days on the south coast of England, one last burst of summer before autumn arrives.

  2. Hope you feel better!!! And I loveeeeeeeeeee the glass artwork!!! WOW!!! AMAZING!!!!

  3. My friend, I hope you are feeling better soon! Please rest and drink lots of tea and honey ;o) I love the glass artwork! I think it's so cool and different!!! Great way to recycle! Big Hugs ;o)

  4. Pretty photos, Cindy. I like glass sculptures in the yard, but I agree, better using them on the table. But if they're chipped or have a lot of crazing, then this is a good idea. I've been collecting odd vases to make one of my own. xo

  5. I hope you feel better soon! I think I have mixed feelings about these too. They are pretty, though.

  6. Hope you are feeling better! I have to say I 'like' the glass ornaments but also think that using gorgeous vintage glass pieces like that might break my heart!!! Hugs, Linda

  7. I'm with you in that my first thought is "Those would look so good on a table!" Hope you feel better soon!

  8. wow these are all fabulous, thank you for sharing Cindy. Wishing you a wonderful week, Annette x

  9. I'm with you Cindy. They are pretty but I would rather see them on a table. I like the rusty, galvanized look in my garden.
    I've been enjoying the cooler Fall weather. It is supposed to turn a lot cooler this week though.

  10. Cute yard art !Hopeyou are feeling better by now.

  11. We have them here too...and I cringe periodically when I see some wonderful glass or china that's been destroyed. Sigh....
    Our weather is continuing our summer that is now 4 weeks long. We thought it'd never arrive. But our highs are in the 70s. Lovely! And down to the 40s already at night...the seasons are indeed changing!

  12. Those glass ornaments are fascinating, never seen the like before. :)

  13. Love these! And hope you recover soon.

  14. Hi Cindy,
    Hope you feel better soon.
    I quite like the garden art...although I do agree that some pieces would look lovely on the table
    Have a good week
    Barb from Australia

  15. Those lawn ornaments are so creative and beautiful! Sorry to hear you have a virus ... hope you get better soon, so that you can enjoy that nice weather...

  16. I bet they would look very pretty with the sun hitting them in the garden. Sorry you're under the weather, hopefully you'll be perking up soon!

  17. They are pretty, but I think I would prefer to keep my dishes on the table, or in the case of plates, on the wall. Bottles are another matter. I would love a bottle tree.

  18. Those vintage glass ornaments are so pretty and unique! Have a wonderful weekend! Angie xo

  19. what wonderful ornaments. I would like every one of them. I too am excited about Fall, its so nice to have cool weather. I am able to work in the garden again and I would just love to have a few things like that to brighten it up again.
    Take care

  20. On flea markets you can often find nice things !

  21. What fun lawn art! Thanks for sharing at Potpourri Friday!

  22. I purr for you Cindy !
    Pretty interesting presentation : )and really nice shots you did capture.

    Thanks for your kitties to purr for me

  23. Do I spy some carnival glass there? Oh dear that stuff is worth a lot of money. If it's badly chipped or cracked I suppose fair enough, otherwise I don't agree with the application. Hope you are feeling better by now.

  24. Woah! Those glass work are something! I hope you are feeling well now


  25. Cindy, I am sorry, I don't remember, you new e-mail address! You are a winner on my blog. I just wanted to confirm your address ;o) My e-mail is ;o) Hugs ;o)

  26. Beautiful and creative Cindy! I always love the idea of recycling/upcycling also. Bravo!

  27. Cindy,
    The tea cup lawn ornaments are so pretty. I've never seen anything like them before. I hope you are enjoying the Fall days.
    ~Sheri at Red Rose Alley


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