Monday, September 10, 2012

9-11 Memorial

These are photos I took today at the new 9-11 memorial that was recently constructed in our town. It features a steel beam from the World Trade Center that is 17 feet long and weighs 6,268 pounds. The beam sits on the granite wall at a 9.11-degree angle. A mound of dirt representing Flight 93 that crashed in Pennsylvania is also a part of the site. Three flag poles include the American Flag, the National Fallen Firefighters flag and the National Fallen Police Officers flag. One of the most touching aspects to me is that a flag pole is arranged at the site in such a way that at 8:46 a.m., the time at which the first plane struck the first tower, the American flag casts a shadow on one end of the beam. The steel beam is one of 1,200 pieces that were presented to towns and fire departments across the country after going through an application process.

We'll never forget.



  1. A beautiful monument, Cindy. We all were affected in some way that day, regardless where we lived. xo

  2. Yes, the monument is very nice. I agree: we all will never forget that day, and will never forget the ones who suffered in NYC and their loved ones.

  3. Wow!!!! This is so touching -- what a beautiful monument for those lost

  4. Beautiful monument & I know I will never forget.

  5. That's a day that I'll never be able to forget. So much horror and sadness.

  6. We saw it coming down and having lived with the IRA and ETA wondered what would happen as it seemed the first time the US understood what terrorism is all about. I don't think homeland security has done any good. It seems all noise and no result to me. I would have invested in intelligence and education - like sponsoring Indonesian school books instead of letting the Saudis do it. This 3 decade long global rise in fanaticism is very upsetting.

  7. What a wonderful memorial! I think the town of Marshall, near me, has a piece of steel beam from 9-11 that they have used in a memorial. I will have to check that out.

  8. Hi Cindy,
    A special and beautiful memorial.
    Here in Australia I was watching the live broadcast of what happened that day while my grand-daughter was being born.
    Have a good week,
    Barb from Australia

  9. That is a wonderful memorial, indeed. Thank you for sharing it with us. WE will never forget.

  10. Purrs for all , and big hug to you, Cindy

    Puddy Boy


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