Thursday, July 19, 2012

Ode to Rain!

Rain, rain, don't go away...but please do come back another day!

It's raining in northwest Ohio! It poured earlier, coming down in big bucketfulls (is that a word?) running out of the storm gutters and splashing out of the birdbath, making little rivers and streams in and around my garden. I sat on my (covered) patio, smiling. Okay...I've always considered myself a "fair weather" person. Give me a sunny day and my spirits would automatically soar. I didn't realize how much I like rain - until we were without it. Like much of the U.S., it's been so hot and dry here this summer. I can't remember the temperature ever soaring over the century mark this many days or going this long without rain. So, it was a very welcome relief. I think I heard the poor, brown, crunchy grass going "ahhhh!" I guess I do like a rainy day now and then!

I didn't do this...but I felt like it.

Update: It rained again later in the evening, and this time, I did go out and stand in it. I lifted my face to feel the drops and it was joyous!

Until next time,

All pictures courtesy Google Images


  1. We had a little rain at 4:30 this morning. I was tempted to get up and go stand in it.

  2. I think that if we ever get rain in drought-ridden southeastern Ontario, I'll stand out in it and let myself get soaked. :-)

    -Kim (Musings on a Small Life and Fuzzy Tales)

  3. I am glad you got some rain at last, but I wish ours would go away! I do like the lovely smell you get though when it rains after such a long dry spell.

  4. Glad you got some rain. If we ever get any here I am going to go stand out in it!

  5. Isn't it wonderful! What a relief. We are finally getting some rain here too, and I'm very glad for it.

  6. lovely photos, glad you had some rain!

    I received your gardening book today Cindy, thanks so much!

  7. Awesome news! I had hoped the Arizona monsoon I'd sent east got there -lol-
    Have a great day.
    Always, Queenie

  8. YES!!!

    It finally rained in Ohio, yay for us, huh Cindy??

    Love your pics you shared - the one with the lady in the water thigh deep reminds me of the awesome book/movie Under the Tuscan Sun - one of my all-time favs - of that eccentric blonde who climbed in the fountain.

    Awesome post and awesome grey skies, but it stopped raining and needs to come back pronto!


  9. Awesome...I'm so glad you got rain! We don't normally get Summer rain, but we did last was wonderful...washing the trees off...watering everything so I didn't have to! I hope you get a lot more...we keep hearing how dry it is back there! Have a great day!!

  10. Cindy, I love the rain and I am very thankful for it! Please send some my way ;o) Please ;o) Pretty please ;o) I love the photos! Hugs ;o)

  11. It's been raining cats and dogs here, but I just love it! A perfect time to curl up and relax. Aaaah!

  12. You can have sunshine anytime you want... here in AZ! LOL!! Glad you got some rain!!!!

  13. I have never liked rain, but boy, I sure would love some right now. Our grass is fried. I've never seen anything like it. Hope you send the rain on to us next!

  14. The photos are lovely and fun! We got rain in western PA too!!! YAY!!!! My gardens are happy!!!!!!

  15. While you are celebrating rain, we are celebrating finally drying out a little... normally winter is dry and sunny and we get a break from the endless rain and heat and humidity, but this year it just hasn't stopped raining until yesterday... so maybe we have sent you the rain... not missing it quite yet so you can keep it for quite a while yet!!!!
    PS loved the duck post as well...xx

  16. We've been having an unseasonal monsoon. Weird but it's better than the smoke from the annual burning in the rainforests by farmers clearing land the lazy way.

    Thanks for the kind comments on our Mousebreath interview! We enjoyed it too.

  17. YAY! You got some rain! I actually like the rain (though I like the sun, too). We got some Thursday and Fruday, too, and it really cooled things off ... nice! :)

    Have a great weekend.

  18. I think we all need to go out and do a little rain dance! Glad you got rain, southern Michigan is also crispy. Up here in northern Michigan we have had a little more rain but the farmers could use a lot more!! Love the images you selected. Laura

  19. In Wales we have had nothing but rain this summer...everything is rotting in the ground! I'm so glad you got rain though and enjoyed your rain pictures. Joan

  20. What beautiful images! I'm glad you had some rain, it can be such a welcome relief sometimes...


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