Friday, July 13, 2012

The Art of Gary and Kathwren Jenkins

I wish I could paint beautiful roses. I first discovered the art of Gary and Kathwren Jenkins when I worked at PBS (KVIE-Sacramento) in the 1990s. Gary and Kathwren are both artists and hosts of the PBS television series, "The Beauty of Oil Painting." The couple live and work from their studio in Carson City, Nevada, and they also share their talent through art classes, instructional videos and books. From the mid to late 90s, I studied their style of oil painting and tried, tried and tried to paint roses. I was never able to quite capture their style and my roses ended up looking like big blobs of paint on a canvas (I'm not joking!) My backgrounds were good and my leaves weren't bad, either. But, the roses? *sigh*  I gave up. I sold my Jenkins books and videos. I do so love their work, though. Maybe I should try again. I'd give (almost) anything to be able to paint a rose even half as good as these! The following are a few examples of Gary Jenkins' roses.

Gary Jenkins is known as one of the finest floral painters in America. The Jenkins' website can be found HERE. Check your local PBS listings for their television series.

Kathwren and Gary Jenkins

Until next time,

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  1. Their talent shows in these lovely rose shots.

  2. The flowers are truly beautiful!
    Have a wonderful weekend.
    Always, Queenie

  3. I remember those shows. Beautiful roses. Thanks for sharing, Ginger:)

  4. Oh my gosh- those floral paintings are AMAZING wow wow wow!!!!!

  5. Those roses are amazing!!!!! The bird came today! I love it! Now I need to find a home for it!!! hugs!

  6. Sigh..Cindy, I know what you mean. Acutally, in my opinions flowers, like hands and feet are hard to master.

    These are gorgeous roses. Thank you for sharing. But don't give up on being 'you'...because there is something unique you have to offer the world.

    Blessings for discovering you,

  7. His roses are beautiful. I think you should try painting them again. They don't have to look like his.
    I tried going to the website but it didn't work. I did find it by Googling it though.

  8. Barb, I'm glad you let me know about the link not working! I fixed it! Thanks,

  9. They do beautiful work! I am like you I would love to be able to do this.

  10. Beautiful roses Cindy. You know my friend, don't put your roses down! You just paint them in a different way ;o) That's what makes us all unique and special ;o)

  11. Wow, those rose paintings are breathtaking!

  12. How beautiful, she's a very good artist! Visiting from Pink Saturday.

    Polka Dot Pink
    Have a great weekend.

  13. Wow! These are really beautiful paintings. The petals are so well defined...Christine

  14. *sigh* those paintings are just stunning!!!

  15. Gorgeous! I wouldn't even be able to paint the background and leaves, let alone the flowers. I will just have to stick to growing them for someone else to paint!

  16. Oh so pretty! Happy Pink Saturday!

    Yard Sale Find is my PINK share this week. Come and see.

  17. Amazing pretty paintings!!!!!! Thanks to share!

  18. The rose paintings are stunning! Makes me want to go outside and smell a rose. Happy Pink Saturday! :^)

  19. Bee you tea full! I'll bet your roses weren't bad at all. I want to see them!

  20. What lovely paintings! Beautiful work.

  21. Hi Cindy,
    The paintings are beautiful.I love art and creative talent like this.
    I always wanted to paint..but, alas, I'm strong on ambition and weak on talent.
    Have a good week
    Barb from Australia

  22. Beautiful arts with vibrant colors!

    Visiting for PF- hope you can stop by..


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