Monday, June 4, 2012

Royal Stafford Teacup

Hello Everyone,
First, I want to thank everyone who visited my "high heels" post last week. It was fun reading your comments about the wearing (and not wearing) of high heels! I most definitely prefer cute flats now, but I would love to wear heels again for a special occasion. So, if, or when, that happens - I'll share with you, I promise!

My sister and I went antiquing in a nearby town last week, where I found this vintage Royal Stafford teacup. You won't believe how much I paid for it!

It was marked $2.00, and they were having a 20% off sale, so it cost me all of $1.60 plus tax! What drew me to this cup is the shape and color of the "bowl" of the cup (which doesn't show up well in my photo...but it's a very soft, pale shade of pink.)

From my research, I found that Royal Stafford is a "brand name" of an English company from Staffordshire, England that was called Thomas Poole. The Thomas Poole Company was founded in 1880 (and formerly known as Johnson & Poole.) In 1952, the company was re-formed again and became known as Royal Stafford China. The backstamp on my cup dates it to this period, sometime after 1952.

I'll be posting photos of some of the other interesting things I saw at the antique barn later in the week. For now, I'm sharing my teacup on the Tuesday Tea Time link parties and other blogs listed below. Have a great week, everyone!



  1. WOW!!

    What a treasured find, holy moley!

    And it is SO PRETTY!!!

    Good job, Cindy!!

    Well done score!

  2. I like the shape of that one too!! Great find!! Have a wonderful day!!

  3. Oh no! I miss that High Heels post! I should take a look at that.

    I've never seen teacup like this! It's so pretty!


  4. That is so pretty and an usual shape too. My eye was drawn right to the pink bowl immediately. What a steal too!

  5. That's a marvelous teacup! A great maker and an unusual shape. What's not to love! I would have grabbed it to! Thanks for sharing your treasure!

  6. Wow, what a great find! So pretty and in excellent shape too ;o) Hugs ;o)

  7. Beautiful tea cup and what a price...WOW!! Enjoy your treasure.
    Have a great day.
    Always, Queenie

  8. Hi Cindy, That is a pretty tea cup. The shape is so unusual.

  9. What a bargain for your teacup. It's an unusual shape and has a pretty pattern.

  10. What a bargain you got on that teacup. It's beautiful! :)

  11. Hi Cindy,
    You found yourself a sweet little teacup! I love the unusual shape and the colour is very pretty! Quite a bargain; good for you.
    Thank you for joining me for tea and enjoy your week.


  12. How pretty and unique!

    Ciao Bella
    Creative Carmelina

  13. Hi Cindy,
    What a gorgeous cup. I love the light pink bowl, it showed up nicely! AND it was an amazing deal, lucky you!

  14. Oh, what a sweet the shape! Speaking of heels, I like to wear espadrilles or pumps with a small 'platform' so I don't have the steep grade of regular heels. :)

  15. Cindy what a wonderful find! Your teacup is beautiful ... I too love the shape of it ... the bowl appears to have a slight touch of pink ... definitely a teacup you will enjoy for years to come .. happy Teasday, xo HHL

  16. Oh, WOW! What a great find your Royal Stafford teacup is. The shape is wonderful and I bet it feels good in the hand! Happy Tea Day. Thank you for sharing your wonderful find.

  17. Hello Cindy, your newest tea cup must be the bargain of the century! A buck sixty! Wow! And the cup is truly lovely with it's unique shape and pretty pattern. I am so glad you happened upon it!
    Happy Tuesday!

  18. I am totally in love with your teacup! As taken from a Jane Austin novel. I wish you a great week! Zinnia

  19. Your teacup is so pretty. I love the soft pink and what an incredible buy.

  20. Oh wow, Cindy, it's so beautiful! What a gorgeous teacup, indeed!!! I hope you're having a beautiful day, my friend.

  21. Pretty teacup, I love high heels but on other people not me.

  22. Oh my Cindy, your tea cup is gorgeous! What a bargain!

    Jocelyn @

  23. Hi Cindy,
    congratulations to this bargain. It is a wonderful te cup with outstanding shape and design. Really lovely. Thank you for sharing your treasures.
    Best greetings, Johanna

  24. Hi Cindy,
    I love your blog. We have lots in common. Tea and the United Kingdom...
    I'm your follower #298. How fun is this. The cup is beautiful. And I love the cup with the thistle bloom. Scotland love their thistle!
    Happy Blogging

  25. Thank you for linkingto Tea in the Garden- all my pictures were taken in the morning- at night we got 1 1/2 hours of hail....oh boy!

  26. Hi: What is it about a tea cup that we get for a bargain that makes it that much sweeter? With or without a great price, that tea cup is stunning! Thanks for joining Tea Cup Tuesday this week. It was our pleasure to see your cup! Blessings, Martha

  27. Omy, The Shape, The Color, The price..EVERYTHING made it a winnerand a 'find ' didnt certainly would have come home with me had I run across such a beauty.

  28. YES! Marvelous find - I can't believe the price - it is just too exquisite! Happy, happy for you! I appreciate you sharing with A Return to Loveliness,

  29. Hi! Found your lovely blog thru Passion Parade Friday and am so glad I did! Wow ~ great find ~ and a $1.60!!!! Love the unique shape of the teacup and you just can't beat that soft pink color!

    Please come visit me when you get a chance ~ I'm hosting my annual WEDDING BLOG PARTY and there is even a little bridal giveaway!

    Big TX Hugs,


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