Saturday, June 2, 2012

Could You...Would You...Wear These Shoes?

For some reason this evening, I'm thinking about when I used to wear high heels...every day. Well, not on the weekends...but during the week, every day, I dressed up and wore high heels to work. I was in my early 30s and it was the late 80s. I worked for a large insurance company in downtown Sacramento, California and I didn't own a car. I walked...or rode public transportation all over that high heels. Just like Carrie in "Sex and the City," I could even run in my high heels, if necessary! I always loved wearing dresses and skirts - even when I was little. Oh, I wore jeans or sweats on the weekends, but even though it wasn't required, I always dressed up for work.

I'm not exactly sure when I stopped wearing high heels. Sometime in my 40s, I started to opt for comfort more and more, rather than fashion. I also gained a lot of weight and stopped wearing dresses - feeling that pants were more flattering to my ever-growing, curvy figure. Then, at age 51, I fell and broke my ankle and ever since then, wearing flat shoes has pretty much become a necessity. But sometimes I miss high heels. I loved how they made me feel so feminine...and taller than my 5'2". I had heels in every color - white, black, navy, red, pink...

I even had a pair of lavender high heels that looked a lot like this:

I didn't pay a lot of money for fact, some of them I got for FREE! Yes...I said free. My sister and brother-in-law owned a shoe store and my sister kept me well-supplied in shoes! Oh, those were the days!

My feet and ankles really do appreciate comfortable shoes these days...but I'm losing weight (down 19 lbs. as of this morning!) and exercising, and I'm thinking I'd like to wear high heels least for special occasions. What about you?  Do you wear high heels? Or, like me, are they something you gave up long ago? Do you have a favorite pair of heels? Tell me...could you, would you, wear these shoes?

Until next time,


  1. I used to wear them too -- can't do it anymore though - my back can't take it ... lol!!

  2. I still wear high heels and I'm 61, wow I can't believe I'm that old. I'm not giving them up yet.

  3. I used to wear them many years ago. I can't anymore. They hurt my feet and I can't walk in them. I wish I could because they are so much more dressy.

  4. When worked professionally was known for being a classy dresser--a nice thing to be known for in San Francisco.

    I almost always wore high heels and would even walk up nosebleed hills from the Financial District to Nob Hill in heels.

    I always bought few, but good things and took care of them. The classic Chanel pumps that I wore to my son's HS graduation were $250- when I bought them. And when I wore them for his college graduation they still looked new and the price for the same shoes had gone up to $400!

    Can't imagine wearing heels again. I'm 5' 7 1/2" so don't really need them and now prefer classic ballet flats since not dressing up for work. I like quilted black patent leather with a little bow & must wear these with charm bracelets. Feminine. I like that ;)

    Cute to look at the shoes. Especially the pink ones with flowers on toes. :)

  5. I too worked in heels,
    lived and breathed in heels
    danced the nite away after work.. in heels!
    I too was a professional person..
    to whom DRESSING meant HEELS..
    I'm short ..5'2" ..
    have never had a problem with weight..
    so that was not a factor..
    four years ago,
    working in heels..
    on marble floors..
    for a major retailer
    I suddenly could not stand..
    nor put any weight on my foot!
    Long story short..
    Morton Neuroma..
    excruciating pain..
    requiring surgery for relief!
    the cause? ..
    all those years in HEELS..
    have had another..
    to develop in the same spot..
    required another surgery!
    would I wear heels again at 67?
    not really..
    but I do have very dressy comfy wedges..
    that I can and do wear for short times..
    anyone out there need shoes?
    a closet full of beautiful heels..
    sz 6? Furs?

  6. I could wear them all day during the week and dance in them on the weekends - but what a relief it was to take them off at night. Now I wear "sensible" shoes.

  7. Cindy Hi!
    I'm 50 something and I would wear them but take other shoes to change into and only if I wasn't going to be walking much. Ha! Ha!
    Anything over 2" tall is uncomfortable to me.
    Those are some very pretty shoes.

  8. Hi Cindy,
    I love all of those gorgeous heels and would wear them all :) I love getting dressed up and wearing heels. My daughter's prom was yesterday and I pulled out the highest heels I own b/c I'm rather short. I felt so amazing in them. I wish I could dress up everyday. I think you should wear heels if they make you feel good. Have a wonderful weekend.

  9. I LOVE high heels and yes I still wear them with dress jeans or dresses and skirts. I sing in our church choir and we usually dress up. If I'm going out for a nice evening I will wear them too. And I'm 64--not giving them up until I have to. I love all of them, especially the sparkly ones.

  10. Never wore them when I was a size 3and couldn't possibly wear them now, even if I lost weight - no way.

    Love this post, those shoes are gorgeous - but I shall have to live vicariously through Carrie and all you crazies who torture your feet and toes.

    I am more of an Ugg/leather thong sandels kinda gal.

    Of course I dress properly for church and tea in dressy Mary Janes - pretty leather FLATS, haha.

  11. I also worked for an insurance company in the late 80s. Colored shoes were so "in!" I had a rainbow of them. My favorites were yellow snakeskin, but I also had red, blue, green, purple, and of course PINK! Now I wear flats.

  12. Hey Cindy ;o) It's me ;o) Everything is working well on the blog now! Yeh ;o) You are over 50?? Wow, you look good! I would have said you were 10 years younger from your picture! You know, I use to wear more heals too, but not anymore, but it's not because I don't like wearing them, it's because I have wide fitting feet and I am not going to squeeze my feet into narrow shoes anymore! Too painful and not good for you! But, if I can get them in a wider width, I will buy them and wear them ;o) I feel more girly ;o) I would wear any of the shoes you showed! Yeh for you with the 19 pounds!!! You go girl ;o) As long as you are happy, that's the main thing ;o) Hugs ;o)

  13. Happy Pink Saturday Cindy, Congrats on that weight loss. As for the heels, there was a time that I would have worn heels like those in your shoe collection photos. Arthritis keeps me from wearing anything higher than a pump heel. I don't recall ever running in heels but I remember dancing in them. Joyous Wishes, Linda

  14. What a fun post! I love heels and up until about a month ago I wore heels to work almost every day. The exception was when I had to have surgery on my knee. I left my job about a month ago and thankfully don't have to wear heels every day now. I will still wear them when I dress up but it's better for my knee to wear a low heel now. But I love all the styles and colors and used to have an amazing collection of shoes.
    What a fun post!

  15. I love high heels! I, too, wore them all the time in the 80s. I had every color imagineable, and I could run in mine too! I walked as easily in them as if I was barefoot. I do still wear them, but not every day. I'm 5'1", so I love having anything that can make me taller.
    Congrats on the weight loss!

  16. What an dreamy and fun post, Cindy. I never wore high heels being a nurse. Never learned how to walk in them. But I am soon to be mother of the groom and am fretting about what I am going to put on my feet! I have been wearing Dansko clogs to work and love them! They won't work for the wedding though, even the patent leather ones! I have plantar fascia so that makes things even more complicated. I have 6 weeks to figure it out! Love the pink pumps! Congrats for losing weight. I am envious!

  17. I wore these plenty when I worked outside the home in the middle of all the hustle and bustle of downtown Miami. Now I never wear these types of heels unless I have a wedding or a very formal event to attend. When I do wear some type of heel, it's typically wedged platforms and not over-the-top tall.
    Love all your choices here, Cindy.
    Fun post.

  18. You must tell me how you've lost those 19 lbs. :) Sigh...sluggish thyroid, so my pounds are stubborn.
    Happy for you. Keep it up, or should I say keep it down. ;)

  19. Oh yes........I sure would if I could. But, it seems our stories are similar......I fell and broke my femur. Yeah, things just aren't the same anymore. Walking is tough in flats... heels would never do.

    I just saw a pair of Valentino's in Hawaii while we were there. I drooled. Yes. I. Did. YUMMY.

    Have a wonderful week.


  20. I had to wear flats for work, because I was a nurse, so on my time off I loved heels. I'd wander around in them all day without a second thought. Now I have slipped discs. I still love my heels, and wear them from time to time, but pay for it the next day!!

  21. Hi Cindy,
    I love high heels, the look of them and the way they add height to a petite gal like myself. At only 5 feet, I sure could use the height! However, I've had to stop wearing them when I developed MD in my thirties. I miss them.
    Thank you for your visit and I hope your Pink Saturday was a lovely one. Wishing you a delightful week.



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