Thursday, May 17, 2012

Fire and Ice: A Paranormal Romance

Billy Alfonso is a young shrimper from Louisiana. His girlfriend, Jessie, was swept away in the Gulf of Mexico during a squall four years ago, or so he believes. Her body was never found. No matter what he does, he cannot erase her from his memory. Is she still out there alive somewhere? The beautiful Sarah appears from Texas. She knows more about Jessie than Billy can imagine and claims that the insights about the young woman come through her dreams. Should he believe the long-legged beauty or not? Soon, Billy and Sarah are catapulted into a world of intrigue that has them toggling between bayou country and the French Quarter to find the answers. The entire time, it is as if Fate is directing their steps.

Many of you know fellow blogger, Cindy Adkins of "Whimsical Musings" and may be familiar with her wonderful spiritual books. But, did you know she's also a bestselling fiction author? Fire and Ice is her latest ebook, available from (to order, click on the icon below.) I'm reading it and it's wonderful! I can't wait to see how it ends! I'm so happy for Cindy as she embarks on this new direction of her writing and career! If you're looking for a good book to read this summer at the the garden...on the front porch with a tall glass of lemonade...I highly recommend Fire and Ice: A Paranormal Romance! If you don't have a Kindle, you can download the book to your computer. Cindy has all the details on her blog, which can be found HERE. Happy Summer Reading, everyone! 

Until next time,


  1. Dear Cindy,
    Thank you SO much for letting people know about my newest book--I'm really excited!!! And I am so happy that you are enjoying it!!!

  2. That sounds awesome! Will definately look it up! Thanks, Cindy!

  3. She is so amazing! Thanks for the heads up!

  4. I was so surprised when I saw this on Cindy's blog. I didn't realize she wrote fiction books. She is one amazing lady!

  5. I've got this ready to start reading at the weekend. Now I can't wait.


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