Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Abandoned Houses

I love old, abandoned houses. When I went to my 12 year-old grandnephew's baseball game last week in a nieghboring village, this house was just behind the ball field. Notice the gazebo in the back! I have no idea how old this house is, but I like to picture women in long dresses, sipping tea in the gazebo, surrounded by a garden filled with antique roses.

This log house is on the same plot, across from the house in the picture above. There were a few other buildings on the land, too, in much worse shape than these. My niece's husband knows the owner and said they all used to be part of what was called "Valentine Village." Interesting...

I can picture a swing hanging from that big branch of this huge, old tree! What stories do the walls of these old places hold? These homes are quite a contrast to the pretty cottages in my previous post - but I love them all!

Until next time,


  1. I too love to imagine what "may have been" when seeing abandoned houses.

    I try to imagine what on earth made them actually leave them behind and not sell them or rent them, too- houses abandoned make no sense to me......perhaps asbestos and lead paint? Too much to upkeep? Stuck in litigation for years, etc.?

    Who knows, but to think once upon a time it was brand new and adored by the family.

    I would LOVE to know more about Valentine Village - send me a note if you can or post about it. Sounds like something to dig into more, doesn't it? It has such mystery to it!

  2. I love looking at old buildings too! This is why I enjoy Quincy IL. I even liked abandoned barns! When I was in IL, I saw a very old bard that looked like it's about to collapse. I wanted to go in but my Father in Law said I shouldn't for my own safety.
    Nice to imagine isn't it?

  3. When I was a kid, these were all Ghost Houses lol. Love them too, but I always imagined them being haunted - too many mystery novels, I guess!

  4. Wonder who lived in these buildings? Were they happy or sad? Are there relatives still alive? Kewel shots.
    Joyce M

  5. Abandoned houses really stir the imagination, and as Anne said above, ghosts were always included!

  6. Neat! Yes, it does make the imagination get going about who might have lived there, and what their lives were like.

  7. I love them all too Cindy! I am like you, I would be thinking, if those walls could talk, what would they say?

  8. I loveeeeeeeeee old houses!! Great pics you got!!

  9. It's fun to try and imagine who might have lived in these places and what their lives were like. Neat pictures!

  10. I love old houses, barns, sheds, any old building. You probably already know that by following my blog. ;0)

  11. Awesome photos. It is so much fun to let the mind adventure in fanicful flight to times gone by when surrounded by the beauty of an old family homestead.
    Have a great day.
    Always, Queenie


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