Monday, March 26, 2012

A Gift and a New Painting

Hello Everyone,
I want to share what I received in the mail from Marcia at In Stillness and Simplicity ~ a set of her beautiful "Blue Skies" tags! These are just so sweet and pretty ~ perfect for spring. Thank you so much, Marcia!

I love the quote on some of them by Ralph Waldo Emerson: "All I have seen teaches me to trust the Creator for all I have not seen."  To visit Marcia's blog, In Stillness and Simplicity, click HERE.

I just finished this painting last night around midnight. It's untitled, but I've had a couple of suggestions for the title from family: "The Birds" and "The Hungry Games"  :)

When I finished it, I realized the kitty's face looks like my Buster - even though I didn't use him as the model! 

Buster Brown

Do you have a suggestion for the title of my painting? Would love to hear it, if you do!

Have a great week!
Until next time,

Linking to: Paint Party Friday
                                                              What's It Wednesday at Ivy and Elephants Blog
                                                         Show and Tell Friday at My Romantic Home


  1. Your bird gift cards - wow how thoughtful of Marcia - and they are really beautiful! I need to go check her stuff out!

    Cindy, I just love your painting! And you are right- looks exactly like Buster, haha.

    I am thinking another title could possibly be "Patience is a virtue."

    Have a happy week, my friend.

  2. Perhaps "Buster Waits" as a possible title for your lovely painting.
    Have a great day,
    Always, Queenie

  3. What a lovely gift! and that painting is so sweet although Buster looks like he's either caught the canary or gotten into the cream!!

    Have a great week!

  4. I love the Emerson quote. Your painting does look like Buster. I like it. I think I'd call it, "Patience." :D

  5. How about Garden Kitty for the title.
    Pretty tags and I like the quote.

  6. Love your painting...Buster is probably on your mind...that's why the kitty came out looking like him. How about Garden Friends...although I know they realy aren't friends! Love the pretty!!

  7. Awh, Cindy, you're much too kind. I am so happy that you liked your tags. It is ALWAYS my pleasure. Don't EVER hesitate to stop by and request any you see on the Simply Tags page. That's what they're there for. Creating and giving is are two of my many passions.

    Love your painting. You are so talented. From the looks of it, Buster's in quite an opportunistic place. I'd call it, "Divine Encounters." ;)


  8. I loveeeeeeeee your tags...and your painting is amazing!! I loveeeeeee the title idea of "Patience"!!!

  9. I love the tags Cindy!! Beautiful! And, I love your painting! Your crow is adorable! Is that the one you were having fun painting? I love your cat too ;o) A name??? about, "I Wonder How You Would Taste With Ketchup?" LOL! Just teasing! How about, "Let's Play Tag?" ;o) Have a great day ;o)

  10. Your painting is so sweet, great job. How about for a title "Making New Friends???". Lovely gift from Marcia, very pretty. Thanks for stopping by, Laura

  11. I'm sure Buster sees it as the Hungry Games. I like the spin off the new books/movie that are out. Great job to you and Marcia!!!!

  12. It does look like Buster. How sweet! A lovely gift indeed.

  13. Cindy, your painting is so cute. I knew right away it was Buster.
    Hugs, Barb

  14. Nice work, he looks like he is watching his next meal! Valerie

  15. Buster's Birds. He's beautiful, just beautiful. And so is your painting, Cindy. I have tried and tried to paint cats, and I just can't -- except from behind! Can't get the faces. Very hard -- you did it! Bravo!

  16. I love paper, cards, and the kittehs. :-) So basically, I love this post.


  17. Hey Cindy,
    You are the winner of the Bird's Nest Necklace and Earrings giveaway @ Knick of Time! Send me your mailing address so I can let Mindie know where to ship it!

    There's another gorgeous giveaway starting later today!

    Angie @ Knick of Time

  18. What cute little bird tags you received. Your painting is adorable. I would title it "waiting patiently" as the kitty looks at the bird with anticipation. Hope you have a great day.


  19. What a sweetheart to send you such a lovely gift. The cards of beautiful and love the quote! Love the painting it does look like Buster.

  20. Love the art work! Looks like your kitty. Have a great day.

  21. Hi Cindy. Nice to meet you and thx for stopping by my blog. Love your kitty and those tags are awesome. Your live cat looks so sweet, what a darling. Nice work, take care.

  22. the tags are so pretty! but wow, i love your painting. it is charming and beautiful. xo

  23. your painting is so lovely, you're so talented! Welcome to PPF!

  24. Loving the beautiful tags and your fab cat painting. Happy PPF and enjoy the weekend, Annette x

  25. Wow, that painting *does* look like Buster. :)

    Maybe you could title the painting, "Buster waiting" or "The Catbird Sees."

  26. Hi Cindy,

    I tried sending you an emal but it didn't go through. Thanks for stopping by and commenting. I'n not going away from blogging just taking a week or two off. This blogging journey is so much fun, it's easy to get addicted to hanging out on the computer.


  27. Excellent painting ~ love the 'zen' look to it ~ kitty is adorable and such a wonderful gift from your friend ~ Wow ~ great work both of you ~thanks, namaste, ^_^

  28. Love your cat paintings, specially because our house is run by a much larger Tabby by the name of Henry V. You can see a lot of him on my blog especially this week!


  29. Very cute it does look like your cat!! Fun painting!!

    Happy ppf
    Hugs Giggles

  30. Lovely feline portrait. :)
    I also love the Ralph Waldo Emerson quote you posted!
    Have never heard it...but think it's wonderful!
    Happy PPF!!
    Mixed-Media Map Art

  31. I'm your newest blog follower, too! :)
    Happy PPF!!
    Mixed-Media Map Art

  32. Cindy, I love your painting! The kitty is so cute and he surely does look like Buster!
    Hi, to Buster, you good-looking kitty!!!

    Hugs, Maki

  33. The painting is just gorgeous! Wow, to have such talent!You are amazing. Thanks for sharing with us.

  34. Suggested title: "Heeeere, Chickie Chickie Chickie."

    P.S. Beautiful job on the kitty's stripes, and his mischievous expression.

  35. Ditto on the great job on the cat's stripes, and his expression. How about "Trust me, I'm a vegetarian..."

  36. He definitely looks like Buster! A charming and lovely piece - and you have so many great suggestions for names too.

  37. I'm a bit brain dead on a Monday afternoon, so I don't have any title suggestions. I just wanted to say that I love the painting, and Buster is adorable!


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