Friday, March 23, 2012

The Colors of Spring

Hello Everyone,
I'm sharing more photos of one of my favorite places to walk - the grounds of St. Frances Spirituality Center. This is especially for Beverly at How Sweet the Sound for her Pink Saturday link party - only this week, we're all invited to share our SPRING posts! This is one of the warmest and most beautiful springs we've had in Northwest Ohio on record...and believe me, I am enjoying it! These are from today's walk.  Enjoy!

“Spring is in the air and my heart feels like dancing. I get out in nature as much as I can. Every blade of grass, every flower, and every bird I see brings joy to my heart. I know that just around the corner new experiences are available to me. I greet each new day with optimism and joy. It is such an exciting time to be alive!” - Louise L. Hay

Have a great weekend! Until next time,


  1. Hi Cindy, there is a St.Fancis Spirituality Center and Monastery where I live, and I thought it was the same place! Then I realized you are in Ohio. Beautiful photos. The weather has been glorious here, too, record temps. Loving it. xo

  2. Lovely spring photos; thanks for sharing! Valerie

  3. Those pastels against the new grass are beautiful. If my trees survive this storm with their blossoms intact, I should go out and about to photograph them. It's amazing how one day they look like winter branches and within a day or two they are strutting their blooms. TFS!

  4. Oh Cindy, what an absolutely gorgeous space to walk, relax, ponder and pray. One cannot help but feel the blessings given to us when we see for ourselves the wonders of Nature.

    I tell ya those pink trees for pink saturday - perfect timing, lady! BEAUTIFUL!!

    Have a wonderful weekend.

  5. Beautiful!!! You are having a glorious spring!!
    Have a wonderful weekend.
    Always, Queenie

  6. Pink, yellow and green, all signs of spring.

  7. What a lovely place to walk.
    ..we've had such warm weather the cats are spending most of their time on the porch.

  8. Wish I lived nearby and take a walk with you. This looks like walking through paradise.

  9. Lovely photos, Cindy. This early, warm spring has been so wonderful. I've been loving it too. Happy weekend to you! :-)

  10. Cindy, gorgeous!!! We are having record heat as well. I am enjoying it, but I don't think it's good!! Big Hugs and have a great weekend my friend ;o)

  11. Yes my Ohio friends told me of the warm days. My Yoshino cherry is also in full bloom but rain knocked many blossoms off last night. I adore cherry blossom time.

  12. Hi Cindy,

    What beautiful pictures these are!! I'm so glad you're having a nice spring in Ohio; our neighbors are originally from Ohio, and they said it can be quite cold there.

    This looks like such a peaceful place to walk, and the trees and flowers are just gorgeous. Our cherry trees are blooming here, as well, but most of the daffodils have bloomed out. I think it got too hot for them last week; we had temps in the low 80's.

    Thanks for visiting and for your comments on my Redbuds post. Hope you have a great weekend!


  13. I can why you like walking pretty and peaceful! Beautiful pictures!!

  14. Gorgeous pink Cindy!

    My Pink, have a great weekend.

  15. How gorgeous, Cindy! Those weeping cherry trees are unbelievably beautiful! Would love to see them in person. Thanks for sharing and visiting. Happy Pink Saturday and enjoy your weekend. Happy Spring!


  16. Gorgeous! I lived in Ohio for 10 years. There's not a prettier spring anywhere. The flowering crabapple trees, forsythia, lilacs...heaven on earth. xo Nancy

  17. Beautiful pictures. What a lovely place to walk.

  18. Beautiful photos. Thanks for taking us along. I live in the state just above you and we are enjoying a glorious spring too! Love the Louise Hay quote. I feel the same way.

  19. Awesome photos!!! Enjoy the Spring!

  20. and happy spring. Your pictures are lovely.

  21. Oh, it's beautiful -- spring here, too (though today doesn't feel like it!) I do love those trees!

  22. Beautiful photos, especially the pink blooming tree:) Hugs Marilou

  23. Thanks for sharing your beautiful photos, Cindy.


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