Friday, March 2, 2012

Birdhouse Mania ~

Yes ~ I've had birdhouse mania lately. These are so fun to make and a little bit addicting, too! Getting good photos today was difficult because it was so dark and rainy outside ~ making the lighting not so great inside, too. Plus my camera is not the greatest (it's on my wish list!) There's been so many tornadoes around the country lately - I'm sending prayers for those in the path of the severe weather and hope everyone is safe. Some of you live in parts of the country that already have daffodils and other flowers blooming. I can hardly wait! In the meantime, my little birdhouses remind me that spring is not far away.

Of course, they had to pass inspection!

Our weather forecast is for 60mph winds tonight! I hope I don't lose power. Stay safe, everyone, and have a good weekend. Until next time,


  1. Cute birdhouses Cindy. I love the one with the song sheet roof.
    Is that Buster or Sam giving his approval? Oh, it must be Sam as he is the Art director.
    I hope you don't lose power tonight.
    Have a great weekend.
    Hugs, Barb

  2. Happy Pink Saturday Cindy, Very cute birdhouses! Hope the storms pass you by. Joyous Wishes, Linda
    P.S. I'm ready for Spring too!

  3. I love sweet and cute!

    Funny, my photos never turn out very nice, and it has nothing at all to do with the camera...rather, it has to to with the photographer. I am not very good with a camera!

    We had 60 MPH winds earlier this week, and 3 inches of snow yesterday. Good thing I'll be going to Florida 1 month from tomorrow. Can't wait!!


  4. Cindy, your bird houses are adorable. I love my birds & their abodes, but these
    would be so cute in the house here & there.

    I hope you will pop by to help us bring 'angel love' for a young girl who is sick.

    Thank you.
    Have a beautiful PS weekend ~

  5. Love your birdhouses! I noticed today our chives are coming up. Spring is coming. I am glad to see the birdhouses passed inspection. I hope you made it through the storms safe and sound. Winds are supposed to be high tonight and tomorrow. Chance of snow tomorrow night. This weather is BIZARRE! Stay safe and have happy thoughts of spring!

  6. you know I love birds; the bird houses are quaint

  7. Hi Cindy ;o) We are suppose to get really high winds too, continuing into tomorrow! Not fun! Be safe my friend ;o) Your bird houses are amazing! So adorable! What do you do with them?? I really love them ;o) Take Care ;o)

  8. These are all adorable!

    Be safe!

  9. I really like your birdhouse creations. So neat and original.

  10. Hi Cindy, Your bird houses are so pretty. I especially love the one with the sheet music roof. We are currently under a tornado warning here. God bless you and keep you safe from the winds.

  11. Cindy- Those are darling little birdhouses. Very pretty ones! We are in the middst of a snowstorm here. UGH- xo Diana

  12. Cindy, your bird house are lovely! I know what you mean about the rain, I'm in the gloom zone too. I posted about last summers flowers to cheer me up. Laura

  13. I love your birdhouses. I especially love the picture with the kitty!

  14. HI Cindy~
    Aren't you creative!!! =0) Love these and they remind us that spring is just around the corner. It is spitting snow right now but is supposed to be close to 60 degrees tomorrow - that's our weather!

  15. Hi Cindy, these are pretty little bird houses in sweet colors, and it looks like they passed inspection.

  16. Hi Cindy,
    What fun the colours you have used.Hope the storm is not as bad as predicted. I hope Spring is good to you all. We're going from a cool,wet Summer into a cool,wet Autumn here.
    God Bless
    Barb from Australia

  17. Love your birdhouses, Cindy!

    Looks like the biggest part of the storm passed us by.


    Have a blessed weekend.

  18. Your little birdhouses are precious. They do remind me of Spring. My prayers for everyone suffering tornados or hurricanes and scary weather. Be safe and warm...

  19. Oh my these birdhouses just shout spring, pretty, pretty. Our wind was severe last night and its the same right now. Hope it settles down for everyone very soon.

  20. GORGEOUS birdhouses!!! And I have been praying for all those that are affected from the storms......

  21. Theses are lovely, Cindy. I like the delicate colours. Definitely give a feeling of Spring.

  22. Hi Cindy,
    Your wee birdhouses are so cute! I have always been a birdhouse lover and I have painted them for years. Up until a year ago, I had them all displayed above my kitchen cabinets. There are teapots up there now. Lol. Happy Pinks!


  23. Funny you should post on bird houses today, because I had just hauled out a bunch of works in progress and some to start with thinking it would be a great pre-spring project to get going this weekend! These are enchanting in every single way! Sending Saturday joy!

  24. Hi Cindy, I just love your bird houses. My favorites are the ones with music paper on the roof. I have also been a bird mood - have been making bird cages out of card stock. Must be Spring! Happy Pink Saturday. ~Marti

  25. Happy Pink Saturday Cindy
    Simply adorable and it makes me laugh to see the cat keeping an eye over them.

  26. Your birdhouses are very cute. Good to see they passed inspection. :-)

  27. Yes, prayers for those who are having such terrible weather conditions. Your birdhouses are so sweet. I know what you mean, last year I made a bunch of paper birdhouses (yours look wood to me, right?) They were so fun that I made a dozen or so. I've only pulled out a few, but more will be coming out soon. Snow on the ground here, but looking forward to Spring. Visiting from the Homemaking party. Now a new follower.

  28. Hi Cindy! I love these little birdhouses... so pretty. You've done a great job. I'm going to take some time now (I haven't been blogging as much lately) and catch up on your site. ~Alicia

  29. Dear Cindy, your bird houses are so sweet!!! The birds are going to love them! Of course, I bet Kitty is thinking about those birds as he checks out your pretty little houses!
    Hope your weather improves soon.
    Hugs, Maki

  30. Happy Pink Saturday!
    It is always nice to see what each lovely lady is up to...and the creativity that flows...I pray that you all have a blessed week !
    Please come by my blog anytime...I love having you!
    God Bless......Kandy

  31. These are so adorable! I love the rainbow striped roof...cute! Thanks for linking up!



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