Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Sharing the Laughter ~

"A laugh changes everything, at least for a moment. That's because you can't feel two emotions at once. So do something that makes you laugh, or that makes others laugh. It's the most priceless gift." Author Unknown

I saw the above quote this morning and I believe it's so true. I've also heard that even if you don't feel like it, if you force yourself to smile, it can change your entire mood. Children often illustrate this best with complete abandon and unpretentiousness. So, tonight I'm passing along these infectious smiles! Enjoy!

Paintings by British artist Gerritt Vandersyde

Until next time,



  1. These are very happy paintings indeed.

  2. Awesome quote, and so so true!

    Had a big family dinner party welcoming a cousin who happened to be in town on business I haven't seen in years....oh and we all just laughted and carried on, was such FUN!

    May you have much to laugh about, Cindy!!

  3. These paintings are adorable. You can't help but smile looking at them.

  4. Such sweet illustrations and I love the quote! Sending a smile to you!

  5. Wonderful prose and paintings!

  6. Awwwwwww! So sweet....laughter truly is the best medicine. I spent time with one of my sisters last weekend and she had me laughing so hard my tummy muscles hurt.

  7. This is SO true. You really cannot be a grouch if you smile :) I use this all the time at work when I'm dealing with a 'not-so-nice' person on the phone. They can't see the smile but they HEAR kindness in my voice. LOVE these pictures.

  8. Those are so sweet, Cindy :) Children are so precious! We've spent the day celebrating our Avalon Grace's 3rd birthday and it's just been such a sweet day!

    I wanted to stop by and invite you to come participate in my Spring Giveaway Jubilee. There are several giveaways up already and more will be added throughout the month. You can enter them all and even link up one of your own, if you'd like!

    I hope you're having a great afternoon!


  9. That quote is so true, Cindy, and these pictures are so perfect. I love to laugh. We have certain people in our lives that make us laugh even more. My children always make me laugh. Have a happy Friday.
    ~Sheri at Red Rose Alley

  10. It is always way better to smile and laugh in life!

  11. Love to see such sunny smiles. Thanks for sharing them. :)

  12. Hi Cindy, Thanks for the smiles, I'm smiling back at you. Have a wonderful day. Joyous Wishes, Linda

  13. Cindy, you are SO right! And those smiles sure did make us smile. :)

    Have a great -- and smile-filled -- weekend!

  14. So true Cindy! I try to smile and laugh everyday ;o) Hugs ;o)

  15. Dear Cindy, smiles are such wonderful
    things, just a little smile can change your day, and the day of those you meet as well.
    Lovely post and such happy pictures!

    xo, Maki


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