Thursday, February 23, 2012

Friendship ~

Hello Everyone,
Marcia from In Stillness and Simplicity and Jenny from Jenny's Heart are co-hosting a one-time blog party and giveaway, and the subject is friendship. So, I've created this post to honor all the special friendships we're so blessed with in our lives. It's also Jenny's birthday, so HAPPY BIRTHDAY, JENNY!

Confidences by Pierre-Auguste Renoir

Hazelnuts: The Nut Gatherers by Adolphe William Bouguereau

Afternoon at the Beach by Diane Leonard

Best of Friends by Vernon Emile

Her Best Friend by Emile Munier


  1. Hello Cindy! Lovely tribute on friendship through art! It's nice to be back reading blogs again. Is that a new header? Love it! :)


  2. Love all of your art selections! If I were in one of those paintings, it would have to be the one with the three friends on the beach.

    Sharon @ mrs. hines class

  3. Thank You so much for your sweet wishes!
    I love your post, we are happy to have you at our party.

  4. Thank you for sharing this beautiful art, Cindy. It's so calming. I love it, so much that you are my next feature. :)
    Thank you for joining the 2 FOR 1 Blog Party.
    Much love!

  5. Such beautiful and perfect images of friendship!

  6. What beautiful "friendship" art work here this morning. One of the things that has amazed me is the friends I have made through blogging. Hugs- Diana

  7. Cindy, I've gone ahead and posted your feature. Every featured guest will receive a set of tags too. You may click on my Simply Tags page (under my header) and request your favorite.
    My pleasure.
    Much love!

  8. Hi Cindy,
    Oh how beautiful!!! Wishing you a happy Friday and a wonderful weekend!!!

  9. Beautiful tribute to best friends!!
    Have a wonderful weekend!
    Always, Queenie

  10. Hello there Cindy! Thank you so much for visiting me..
    Your blog is beautiful. I love these paintings of friendship. So glad beautiful Marcia led me here!
    And Anita is amazing, isn't she?
    Have a splendid weekend!
    - Irina

  11. Hi Cindy, I love all of your art selections especially the beach scene. When I see 3 ladies together I think of my sisters. Joyous Wishes, Linda

  12. Cindy, this is so beautiful! Happy Birthday Jenny ;o)

  13. beautiful art display! and friends really are golden!
    I am your newest follower..pls follow back if you can.

  14. Very cute pictures for friendship !
    Isn't it nice to make friends in Blogworld and then sometimes meet them in real ?

  15. Hi Cindy, I love all the pictures you shared here portraying friendship. It's a beautiful thing... ~ Abby

  16. Hiya Cindy - Keeping up with you and your cats on fb - and not at all surprised that some of your "friends" in these beautiful paintings involved cats! I have a date on my bed in just a bit with my cats and a book - tea, too, probably! Go figure . . .


  17. Super Sweet Post, Cindy : )
    Thanks for sweet smile : )

  18. This is an absolutely beautiful post. I love art and cannot live without it in my home.

  19. What a lovely post. I don't know how I missed it Friday. I love art and Renoir is my favorite painter. I have a coffee table book on his life and art.
    Thanks for visiting my thrift shop tablescape. I hope you are having a good week my friend.


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