Sunday, January 8, 2012

Art by Wendy Give-Away ~

Happy Sunday, everyone! 
I want to share with you that my blogging friend, Wendy, from Art by Wendy, is having her very first give-away on her blog! Wendy is a fabulous artist and she's giving away one of these awesome mini books that she makes. Aren't they beautiful?

She even has a tutorial on her blog on how to make one for yourself!

To visit Wendy's blog, click on her button below, or on the link above in my first paragraph of this post. I know she'll appreciate the visit!  I hope everyone has had a very good first week of 2012!

Until next time,

All photos in this post belong to Art by Wendy


  1. Thanks so much for the post Cindy!It's so wonderful to have you helping me out and showing your support!It's so much fun to get new followers and to meet new people who like the same things I do!Have a great day and thanks again!!!!!

  2. Wow! Those are beautiful. I will go check her blog out.

  3. These are beautiful. Thanks for introducing us to Wendy. I am off to check her out.

  4. Those are beautiful! They look as though they are ages old.

  5. Cindy, These are awesome books. I want one! I love books. Thanks for sharing. Warmly Linda

  6. Oh those are cute!! A talented lady.

  7. thanks Cindy; they are indeed wonderful; I put my name in the hat

  8. I will pop over and visit her- any friend of yours is a friend of mine~ xo Diana

  9. thanks for the "heads up" Cindy! i will go visit Wendy right now! xo and have a wonderful week.

  10. Hi Cindy, The books are beautiful! I'm going over to visit Wendy now.
    Have a great week.

  11. Lovely! A nice gift too. Meow from Target, Au and Guido.

  12. Cindy,they are so sweet,I'll just pop over for a peak. xx jeanetteann

  13. These are adorable ... must pay a visit TFS

  14. Thank you for stopping by, visiting and commenting. I'm hopping to have a few new followers and I wonder if a giveaway is the answer to what I was looking for?? Nice to meet you Cindy and I'm glad you invited me over to Wendy's blog. Thanks, kindly

  15. The little books have a lot of character; will go and visit her now, and tfs!

  16. Oh my goodness Cindy....I am in love with these! I am running over to her site to sign up for the giveaway. You are the bestest friend to have posted about this here!


  17. Dearest Cindy,

    Thank for taking my button home. Hope you will win this Worldwide GIVEAWAY of 925 silver angel alphabet charm (your choice)from Giovanni Raspini, Tuscany/Italy!
    Love to you,



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