Monday, January 2, 2012

Cats on Tuesday - Hello from Buster!

Hello, friends! Last night I made big exploration in house. Mom heard funny noises in the bathroom and this is where she found me, way up on top of cupboard, near ceiling! She said "Buster, how did you get up there?!"  Doesn't she know cats can climb anywhere? MOL!

I try to fix ceiling light for her. Mom put new light ball in it, but still won't work.

One paw doesn't help...maybe two paws will...

What in there?  I think Mom need to clean it! MOL!

No use! I tried! See you next time, people! Stay safe and happy!

For more funny cat stories, go to Gattina's Cats on Tuesday blog: HERE.


  1. Love your adventurous cat story, great photos! Valerie

  2. lol - have you not explained to your cat that curiosity can kill?? Great photos. xox

  3. Be careful Buster and don't use up your nine lives helping your momma. The cat on the toilet is adorable.

  4. Gotta love Buxter! He is my kinda cat. I sure do miss my kitty when I see posts like this- xo Diana

  5. Oh my gosh, Buster! You scared me when you had both paws on that light fixture. Please be careful!

  6. I love that story of Buster!The pictures are just too cute!!!


  7. Oh Buster! You are too funny! Be safe doing those crazy things!!!!

  8. Buster is quite the handy person, er ah, feline!
    So cute. I love it.


  9. Buster looks like he can get himself into quite a bit of trouble. Too cute! XO Cindy

  10. Buster, you're amazing! Too funny that you got up there and tried to fix the light!

  11. This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. He's working without a net, oh be careful Buster!

  13. OMYGOSH!!! Tooooooooooooooo cute cute cute! LOVE it! :):):):):):):):):):):)

  14. Oh my Gosh, What on earth is Buster looking for? Toooo Funny!
    hugs Lynn

  15. Buster is so cute. Is he always trying to be such a good helper? I wish I had a helper like that. Too cute!

  16. You're such a handy cat around the house Buster, my kitties aren't anywhere near as good at the maintenance side of things! Have a wonderful 2012 xx

  17. Everybody should know that cats can do absolutely everything ! lol !
    You can come over and fix my lights too !
    COT is up since 3 am Tuesday European time, which should still be Monday in the States depends where you live, only the Australians are far ahead, lol ! Fortunately you cats have 24 h sleeping time and don't care if it's night or day !

  18. Hi Buster,

    that looks a little dangerous what you are doing there!!!
    It is nice that you would help your mom with the lights.
    Findus loves to climb on the highest shelfs too. He sleeps there and I´m always afraid he could fall down.

    We have a bad storm today and all kitties are arround me in the house. ´

    ♥ Happy Tuesday ♥

  19. there's nothing like a helpful cat, eh? darling post. xo

  20. Looks like it was a fun adventure, and nice job trying to fix the light. Happy New Year!

  21. I love this so much! Thanks for the smile and the laugh ;o) I love cats!!!!! They are the best ;o)

  22. What a beautiful and intelligent cat.
    One's simply got to love him.

  23. Buster is a little cutie fur baby... and soooo helpful too. :o)
    Have a great day.
    Always, Queenie

  24. Buster, you are so darn smart.....and how neat that Mom captured your work on film. She must be very proud of you. (My Humpty Dumpty is also a climber.)

  25. Dearest Cindy,

    You got quite a feline staff! But we beat you to it... We got seven. Five kittens are siblings. On my blog in the sidebar under Tags you find all our feline stories under: 'Our Felines'.
    From Silber+Roses I got here and am your newest follower. You might join me too as today is a great giveaway of a silver alphabet angel charm from Italy.
    Love to you,


  26. Buster Hi! It is such a pleasure to meet you! Mariette told us about you and we had to come over and say hi!!

    You look EXACTLY like my Angel Bobo!! You are adorable!

    Cody and I are now following you and we are pleased to meet you!


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