Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Thank You and a Giveaway!

It's been six months since I posted my first blog entry! I've learned so much along the way and have met so many wonderful people, from all around the world, through blogging. When I first started, my goal was to have 50 followers by the end of the year ~ I now have 155! To say blogging has exceeded my expectations is an understatement. I'm amazed every day by the talented and creative people out there - your words and photographs and artwork inspire me and uplift me day after day. Thank you for every visit, every comment, every email.

I'd like to say a special "thank you" to two people. I thought about starting a blog for a long time before I actually took the plunge. My friend, Suzanne de Cornelia, encouraged me to "just do it!"  I knew absolutely nothing about blogging. Suzanne not only encouraged me, but sent tips and advice on how to begin, and she patiently answered all of my questions. Suzanne is a writer who lives in beautiful Carmel-by-the-Sea, California. Her lovely blog, French Heart, can be found by clicking HERE. Thank you, Suzanne!

Once I began blogging and was still "feeling my way around," I ran across a blog called "Cindy Adkins' Whimsical Musings." name is Cindy Adkins!  When I looked at Cindy's blog and saw her beautiful mixed-media art, and read that she's a writer like me ~ I immediately became a follower of her blog and wrote to tell her of our "same-name" connection. Cindy and I have since become friends and we have so many things in common, we're convinced we're long-lost twins! Cindy has been very generous with her time and advice, and her books, "Blogging - It's a Woman's Thing," and "Blog From the Heart - A Woman's Guide to Blogging," have been extremely helpful to me. For more information on all of Cindy's books and free seminars, click HERE. Thank you, Cindy!

To celebrate and say thank you, I'm having a give-away! You can win this sweet St. Nicholas Square "Holly Jolly" tea-for-one teapot!  

It's decorated with holly leaves and berries and says "Have a cup of cheer."  To enter, just leave a comment on this post. The winner will be chosen at random and announced on Wednesday, December 14th. Feel free to post my give-away button on your blog and thanks so much for visiting!

Until next time,


  1. Congratulations Cindy on your 155 followers. I am happy I found your blog and we've become friends.
    What a sweet giveaway you are having.
    Blessings, Barb

  2. Hi Cindy, congratulations on exceeding your goal!

  3. Oh my gosh, this is so totally adorable!!!! I LOVE it! You have such a generous heart, Cindy! Thank you for letting people know about my book...I'm still in shock that it hit No. 1 on that list! and WOO HOO--all these followers!!!! You are rockin'!!!! (I know we're twins, really...)

  4. Hi CIndy
    Congrats on 6 months of blogging...your blog is lovely and I am a happy follower of a few weeks ago...although something wonky has happened to my "follow" button
    Love the tea for one tea pot...

  5. Congratulations on six months of blogging. As someone who's been blogging for just under six months, I echo every sentiment. I'm glad I stumbled onto your blog some time back and always enjoy your delightful posts. Thanks for hosting such a sweet giveaway.

  6. Hi Cindy; Congratulations you sure have exceeded great expectations I'm sure with such a great fan-club (friends) in such a short time frame. Well done! I love my tea and teapot for one would be such a lovely treat; my fingers are crossed. Christmas wishes going your way.

  7. Congratulations on the blog. I so enjoy reading your posts. I am getting to know my cousin in an interesting way.

  8. Thanks for your kind words, Cindy. You are an absolute blogging queen-- so successful in such a short time--a MAJOR accomplishment!

    I just LOVE your blog. So well written, so very authentic, like going into a beautiful church or a walk by the sea--a soothing place in this (sometimes) crazy world.


  9. Wow! Congratulations that you reached that many followers! I never even thought I'd reach more than 50! Cindy has become my blogging Angel too. All I know about blogging is from her tips and tutorials. She holds a major part why I continue on blogging!

    Thank you for having this give-away!

    Have a great day!

  10. I'm glad that I found your blog, which I discovered by accident, but I'm glad that I did because it's very enjoyable to read. :)

    That teapot is TOO adorable! I would love to be in the drawing for this gift. How sweet of you to think of your blogging friends in this way. :)

  11. Hi Cindy~ CONGRATS on your 6 mo anniversary. I just celebrated my 1 year anniversary with a Peets Tea and mesh infuser Giveaway! Your blog looks great and your little tea for one is sweet. WOuld love to have you stop by for tea sometime...I usually post teacups and tea parties, along with sewing/scrapbooking/home decor. Merry Christmas :)

  12. Congrats Cindy (and furry friends)! I will have to check out those books. Thanks so much for creating and sharing your blog. I love the "vintage-ness" (that is a word now) of your header! Congrats again!!! Jen

  13. How adorable! Thank you for this pretty giveaway.


  14. Time really does fly when you're having fun Cindy - congratulations on that many followers in such a short space of time.

    Thanks for your lovely comments on my altered altoid tin, they really are a lot of fun to do.

    (I'm in the UK so don't mind if you exclude me from your giveaway - which is beautiful by the way - but just wanted to stop by and say hello again :))

  15. great post Cindy. I do love your blog ... I should comment more often to let you know that I've stopped over. Congratulations on your journey and keep up the good work. ~Alicia♥

  16. Congratulations on your anniversary and wonderful blog! I would love the would be a Christmas tea tradition for me!

  17. Congratulations Cindy for 6 wonderful months in blogland. The teapot that you are giving away is so beautiful. I would love to win that teapot so I can pour me a hot tea and says cheers to you for another fabulous six months.

    Thanks so much for linking this wonderful post to our What's It Wednesday linky party. I hope you can join us again next week.


  18. What a wonderful occasion to celebrate Cindy ~ CoNgRaTuLaTiOnS! Found you through Cindy Adkin's blog so please enter me for a chance to win your lovely prize! I've also posted your badge on my sidebar ~ hope it helps to gain a few more Followers and entrees!

  19. Congratulations Cindy. I did not know you blogged. I love it. I will check in with you now I know (Espirit from Eons) I have been blogging for a couple of months now. I hope I too can get some followers sometime soon (smile) not at all sure HOW but this is just to say hello and glad I found you

  20. I didn't know you were a writer! What do you write? News, magazines, books? I'm a writer too. Newspapers and magazines mostly but some books too. Just got one out for Christmas and Chinese New Year.

    Love your blog; it's so European. I miss the millions of pretty things you see in homes back there. Like this little jug.

  21. Hi Cindy,
    Congratulations! I've only started blogging a few months ago and am still learning.
    Your teapot is just darling and it will be a wonderful gift to the lucky person.
    Thankyou for your lovely comments on my posts.

  22. Congratulations on your blogging success ! Iwould love to win that wonderful teapot !

  23. Congratulations on your blog's six month anniversary. I love the little teapot that you will gift a lucky recipient.


  24. What a precious give a way to celebrate your wonderful achievement!
    Have a lovely weekend!
    ♥ Jil

  25. Hi Cindy,
    congrats on 6mts and 155 followers!!!!
    I have been blogging for over a year now and I still can't get the hang of the 'fiddly bits' sister helps me a lot..but at 69, my memory is a bit slow. Your 'twin's' books sound good ...I'll try to get them..
    Your give away is a lovely way to celebrate Christmas...nothing better than a good cup of tea..
    God Bless
    Barb from Australia

  26. Such a lovely celebration gift, Cindy. Congrats.
    Merry Christmas ~
    TTFN ~


  27. Gorgeous!! I'm so glad you've joined Bloggyland! You are one of MY favorite bloggers! :)

    HaPpY pInK SAtUrDaY!

  28. That is an adorable teapot!

    Happy blogging!

  29. I can relate to your new blog fears. I knew nothing about a blog. Someone set it up for me and said get with it. I tried, but sure made a lot messes. Still goof up, but truly enjoy it. You will find many blog friends that willing to help you. Someone will be happy to receive that little tea pot.

  30. Hi Cindy,

    The teapot is beautiful! I see you have 158 sweet blogger friends. Congratulations! I have also met Cindy. She is one of the nicest woman on-line and is a fantastic artist and now Amazon's top book writer.


  31. Congrats, Cindy! The teapot is so pretty!

    Thank you for linking to the Christmas Tree Party at 2805.

    I do hope you will take the time to check out the gracious sponsor of the $100 Pottery Barn giveaway by becoming a member of Hometalk or liking them on Facebook. Links are provided for each.

  32. Cindy, You put me to shame. I remember your blog when there were just a few people on it. Congratulations on all the good work.

  33. Dear Cindy,
    I love your site and what a beautiful little tea pot! I'll be returning to visit often. Have a great weekend!

  34. Hi Cindy. So glad to have found your blog. Please enter me in your giveaway. I adore the little tea pot. I am now following your blog :)

  35. I would love to win. Thanks,

  36. What a wonderful giveaway! I am a new follower of yours. Nice way to celebrate the holidays. Thank you.

  37. Hi Cindy!

    Glad to meet you! Followed you from Cindy's Whimsical Musings Blog - I love her too and she is such a wonderful and helpful person! Her books are great!

    Just became your newest follower. Congratulations on your successful blogging!

    I'm a tea drinker,too.


  38. This is a beautiful giveaway! How funny about you & Cindy from Whimsical Musings. I guess your friendship was meant to be. I follow Cindy too, she is a sweetheart.

  39. I love the teapot & since I'm a tea drinker, I would adore this wonderful gift. Congrats on your 6 months of blogging. Thanks for the opportunity to win this giveaway!!

  40. love to be included in your giveaway...

  41. I would love to win your Holly Jolly Tea for One as I am a true tea lover. Congratulations on your six months of blogging.

    Thank you,

    Christine Womack

  42. Congratulations on your blogging success, Cindy. It's fun ... isn't it!!!! I'd love to win your Christmas tea for one ... filled with good cheer! Thanks for the chance! Happy Happy and a Merry Merry to You!

  43. Wow! 155 followers! Congratulations! Actually, it should be 156 because I became a follower today. I will definitely check out the books you mentioned. I love blogging, I love cats and I love tea too. My oldest sister lives in England, so she is always bringing tea items when she comes to visit. This fall she brought me a beautiful tea cookie tin. It is so kind of you to have a give away. Thank you for your generosity.


  44. Congratulations on your many followers and yes, people names Cindy Adkins are all really nice!
    I'm happy to be a follower, specially as your blog is named after my three favourite things. Good luck to everyone on the giveaway!

  45. A+ on your blog, congrats on meeting your goal. Your teapot give away is adoreable.

    Cathy's Calamity Cupboard

  46. Very nice to meet another Cindy Adkins.
    Yes, I am here for the giveaway but hope to visit more often after this hectic time of year.

  47. Cindy, isn't blogging fun! Congratulations on all your followers too! Would love to win your sweet teapot! Thanks for sharing and for joining me for tea today.

    Merry Christmas,

  48. Hello Cindy,
    Congratulations for such a success. Blogging is really a very nice thing. The thing I love most on your blog is your "staff". Made my heart sung.
    I wish you a lot of joy and fun with the blog.
    Best greetings, Johanna

  49. Hi Cindy
    Congratulations on exceeding your expectations. Blogging does bring together a wonderful group of women who like to share with and encourage fellow sisters along the way.

  50. Congratulations on all your followers!

  51. Congrats! I am a new follower.

  52. such a sweet giveaway Cindy! please count me in. i'm already a follower. xoxo

  53. Hello, Cindy!

    I've popped over from Cindy's blog (the other one)she is a treasure to bloggers. Congrats on your happy blog and keep enjoying the benefits of tea; I just had a PG Tips for the first time last week.


    Merry Christmas!

  54. I love your sweet give away. I am so happy you are blogging, I love your blog :) may you have many more lovely anniversaries in blogland!

  55. I can't believe I won this adorable teapot and cup for one!
    Thank you so much, I am thrilled!!
    ♥ Jil

  56. We love your photos of Victorian/Holmes England in the snow! Thanks for the teapot giveaway & your posts.


I appreciate your feedback and read each and every comment. Thanks so much for visiting!