Monday, December 5, 2011

"Do You See What I See?"

I was so encouraged after reading my friend, Cindy Adkins' free seminar, "Amazing Art Adventure" last night, I got out my paints and brushes, and painted this winter scene with one of my favorite Christmas carols in mind. I used acrylics on a piece of old roofing slate.

"Said the night wind to the little lamb,
"Do you see what I see?
Way up in the sky, little lamb,
Do you see what I see?
A star, a star, dancing in the night
With a tail as big as a kite,
With a tail as big as a kite."

"Said the little lamb to the shepherd boy,
"Do you hear what I hear?
Ringing through the sky, shepherd boy,
Do you hear what I hear?
A song, a song high above the trees
With a voice as big as the sea,
With a voice as big as the sea."

For more information on this, and other free seminars, as well as all of Cindy's books, visit her website HERE. Until next time, thanks for visiting!


  1. Oh my gosh, Cindy, that was my whole point of the seminar--to get people in the awesome mood to create!! AND WOW, look what you have created--it is totally amazing and you should be so proud. Your art completely rocks!!!

  2. I truly love your little painting! I must shamefully admit that I'm all thumbs when it comes to paints and brushes.

  3. How cute! I think that is an excellent job! Well done, you! Thanks for sharing!

  4. Cindy you paint so well,that's lovely. Love the little song too. xx jeanetteann :o)

  5. This is so beautiful! That piece of read encouraged me a lot too. Each of us has a unique creativity to show :)


  6. Dear Cindy,
    What a beautiful painting! You are so talented.
    Thank you so much for leaving the lovely comment on my post, and I'm now a follower of you.
    Have a good week,

  7. Hi Cindy,
    your painting turned out so wonderful. You should illustrate children books. Very nice idea.
    Best greetings, Johanna

  8. Hi! I absolutely love it! Such a cute fat lamb and a great evergreen. Makes me smile! See you Saturday. Love, Lola

  9. How beautiful!... thank you for sharing your pretty creations... I am here from the party at Ivy and Elephants... your blog is so pretty!... xoxo Julie Marie

  10. This is really lovely. I really like the line that moves from the slope of the tree and follows the gaze of the snowman and leads the eye up to the star. You ought to make this into a card or a Christmas blog header.

  11. Cindy, Your painting is darling and I love that little song. I read Cindy Adkins creative seminar too and I need to get out my paints again and start creating.

  12. Your painting on slate is wonderful! It perfectly fits the Christmas carol.

    Thanks for visiting my blog the other day and commenting on my button angels - and for following. I'm now following you also!

  13. Just adorable! I LOVE the little lamb -- beautiful piece of artwork you created!

  14. Cindy, that's such a wonderful little painting. And I LOVE your interesting choice of slate for your canvas!

  15. Love your painting, Cindy. And I'm enjoying the Christmas music now too. Thanks for sharing!

  16. That is lovely. You do incredible work.

  17. Very beautiful!

    Hearty Pink, come and see when you get a chance.

  18. WOWZA - you did a great job on this. I'm going to check out Cindy's free seminar too.

  19. Hi Cindy,

    I adore your winter scene.
    Cindy is a great inspiration for us all.


  20. This song is so pretty and I can hear it so clearly. Thanks for writing down all the lyrics. Your painting brings out the smiles, it's a perfect scene.


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