Tuesday, September 27, 2011

A Trip to the Antiques Barn

My sister and I took a spur-of-the-moment drive on Monday and found ourselves at an antiques shop/barn filled to the brim with antique furniture, glassware, lamps, and almost any other type of vintage treasures you can imagine! It would actually take several trips to see it all. I loved this cast iron pig planter!

 A couple more pictures of the inside - this is only a tiny portion of what's there!

This is what I came home with - a set of two vintage tea cups/luncheon plates (crumpet set) - both for $5.00! They're stamped "Made in Italy" on the bottom, but no other markings. There's a tiny chip in one of the cups, but I bought them anyway because I just love the colorful design, the shape of the plates - I love everything about them!  


  1. Hi Cindy,
    Welcome to my tea party! What a fun adventure with your sister! You found some very nice crumpet sets. The pattern is perfect for all year round too; good job. Congratulations on your winnings! Makes one feel so good to win something nice. Thanks for sharing and have a delightful week.


  2. Thanks, Sandi! Crumpet sets - I knew they had a "proper name" but didn't know it! I'm happy to have found your tea party!

  3. Great finds! Hope you enjoy the new pieces in your collection. I am a new follower from the Creative Bloggers' Hop. Vicky @ www.messforless.net

  4. Oh, yes, Cindy! Those cups and saucer - the design - as soon as I saw them I knew they were Italian. I have a couple pieces similar to that. It is a very typical pottery painting pattern - and you're right - aren't the colors so vibrant and joyful! Great find!

  5. I love visiting places like that. Digging through the piles to find little treasures such as those lovely teacups you bought is an awesome experience.

    Crumpet set? That's a new terms for me. Now you have me searching online to see what I can find.

    I found this post through the Creative Bloggers' Party & Hop.

  6. Thanks for rocking the Creative Bloggers' Party & Hop with this awesome post. Hope you'll continually join us in the weekly party :)

  7. Hello Cindy,
    This is a fantastic find! I love them - I have enjoyed my visit to your blog - I am your newest follower,

  8. Fabulous finds! Loved seeing your wonderful pieces and the inside of the shop...what a wonderful day you must have had.

  9. These are really fabulous finds! Lucky you!

  10. Hi Cindy,
    your finds are fabulous. I love this type of Itanlian decor. What a wonderful thrift store you found. That is like exploring the attic of the ancestors. A lot of treasures to find. Thank you for sharing those nice cups.
    Best greetings, Johanna

  11. The dishes are so pretty. Tea and a little something to keep it company in one handy set!

  12. Your antique store scores are lovely, Cindy! I'm a firm believer in the fact that if you really love something (or someone) little imperfections shouldn't matter. ;)

    Thanks for linking to Time Travel Thursday. Hope to see you again this week.

    Liz @ The Brambleberry Cottage


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