Sunday, September 25, 2011

Autumn Tea Party ~

Autumn is here, and in some parts of the country, the weather is still warm enough for a fall-themed outdoor tea party. Whether outdoors or indoors, just a few changes to the décor and menu takes a traditional “tea” from summertime to autumn. Here’s some ideas for autumn-themed tablescapes to get you started. The really great thing about it is that a lot of the decorations are right outside your door - twigs and small branches, colorful leaves, acorns and pinecones. Add a few pumpkins and gourds and twinkling lights and you’ve set the mood for a seasonal autumn party that everyone will enjoy. Remember the main ingredient for any tea party: keep it simple, relax and have fun!

A couple of autumnal tea time recipes you may want to add to your menu:

Sweet Potato Scones:
  2-1/4 cups all-purpose flour
  1/4 cup packed brown sugar
  2 teaspoons baking powder
  1-1/2 teaspoons pumpkin pie spice
  3/4 teaspoon salt
  1/4 teaspoon baking soda
  1/3 cup cold butter
  1 egg, lightly beaten
  1 cup mashed sweet potatoes
  1/3 cup buttermilk
In a large bowl, combine the flour, brown sugar, baking powder, pumpkin pie spice, salt and baking soda. Cut in butter until mixture resembles coarse crumbs. In a small bowl, whisk the egg, sweet potatoes and buttermilk; add to dry ingredients just until moistened. Turn onto a lightly floured surface; with lightly floured hands, knead dough 10-12 times. Pat into an 8-in. circle. Cut into eight wedges. Separate wedges and place 1 in. apart on a baking sheet lightly coated with nonstick cooking spray. Bake at 400° for 16-21 minutes or until golden brown. Cool on a wire rack for 5 minutes. Serve warm. Makes 8 scones.

Other seasonal menu ideas are slices of apple (dipped in lemon juice to prevent them from turning brown.) Serve the apple with a sharp cheddar cheese or brie. Or, you may want to replace summertime traditional tea party favorites, like cucumber sandwiches, with an apple and cheddar sandwich:

1 crisp apple, Fuji is a good choice
Very sharp cheddar cheese, sliced thin
2 ounces cream cheese
2 tablespoons spiced apple jam or jelly
Pinch of powdered cloves
4 slices thin white bread

Mix together the cream cheese, cloves, and spiced apple jam.
Spread on one side of all 4 slices of bread.
Arrange the sliced cheddar on 2 slices of bread.
Add the drained apple slices (sliced very thin)
Top with the remaining 2 slices of bread. Remove the crusts using a long thin sharp knife.
Cut them into quarters diagonally.
Makes 8 servings.

Until next time, enjoy your autumn tea-time party! 


  1. Some lovely table decoratiing ideas Cindy, and pumpkin spiced or chai tea would go great with those scones!

  2. Thanks, Karen! Oooh, you're right, pumpkin spiced tea or chai tea - I should have thought of that!

  3. Mmmmm - those scones sound yummy! I shall attempt to gluten free the ingredients so I can partake without guilt - or sore limbs later. Yes, it's not only still warm here in south Jersey - but muggy! Tea inside still, I think!

  4. The scones sound wonderful! I don't bake as much any more...but I know I would love these! Maybe I'll make some when it gets cooler here...warm up the kitchen! ♥

  5. It is beautiful! Thanks for sharing,The scones sounds great.

  6. Hello Cindy,

    I hope you got my emails...please check them!
    Great news...


  7. Cindy,
    Oooooh I HAD to comment on these little candle holders made out of the pumpkins!!!
    :*~:*~TOO SWEET:*~:*~



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