Sunday, July 26, 2015

A New Beginning and a Sad Farewell

After being MIA for quite some time on this blog, I've decided to come back to it. I missed it quite a lot, actually, and often thought about all of you. Thank you, to everyone who has stuck with me and is still following, I really do appreciate it. In the future, I'll be sharing book reviews, essays and storytelling, artist's profiles, and other fun stuff, such as my art and photography. I'm looking forward to it!

But first, I have some sad news. For those who have followed my blog for a long time, you know I often wrote about my 3 cats, Rudy, Buster and Sam. 

I lost my precious Rudy last month due to complications from diabetes. He was 13 years old, and until just a few months ago, healthy and happy.

I got Rudy when he was only 8 weeks old, and I can remember the day I first picked him up, and he nuzzled under my chin, like it was yesterday. Rudy was so special to me, I can't even begin to explain. But, anyone who has loved a cat, or a dog, or any other type of pet, knows the pain of losing them. My pain is still raw...and there are times I still can't believe he's gone. But, as with any passing, I know the pain will ease with time. Rudy will always be with me, though, in my heart and thoughts. He was with me through some pretty rough times, and he brought me such joy! I miss him, though...oh, how I miss him! 

Rudy watching a bird video.

Rudy's footprints (given to me from the girls at my vet's office.)

RIP my sweet angel cat. I'll never forget you.
Rudy 2002 - 2015

Until next time,


  1. CINDY!!!

    I am so glad to hear you are ok - I honestly thought the worst. Oh, praise be!

    And am I ever sad about your sweet furry friend.

    I, too, lost my best buddy Romeo.

    Here's my post on it:

    I have missed you, and am so very happy you are alive, and, well, BACK.


  2. What a sweet cat, of course you miss him. Glad you are back.

  3. Ohhhhhh I am so sorry for your loss .... hugs and love!!!!

  4. Rudy was such a handsome cat. I know how much you will miss him. It is so difficult to say goodbye to our pets because they take a piece of our heart with them. Hugs to you, Cindy.

  5. Welcome back Cindy, and so sorry for your loss.

  6. We are so glad to see you back blogging, Cindy. You have been missed (although we are thankful to be your pals on Facebook, too)!

    I know we already commented on FB about Rudy's passing, but know that we still send purrs and prayers of comfort and peace. It is so very difficult losing a beloved friend, and we are so very sorry Rudy had to go to the Bridge too soon.



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