Monday, February 13, 2012

Cats on Tuesday ~ Happy Valentine's Day!

OMC!! What a handsome man-cat I am! Look at shape of face, long whiskers and fine white bib! I love looking at myself in mirror!

Oh...hello everyone, Today is called Valentine Day. Is day of love when humans give presents to those they love and tell them "I love you" - just like that - and everyone get hugs and big kisses. Cats can give Valentine Day presents, too. I think this very good present for our Mom. What do you think?

Friends, if you looking for present for your pawrents, this website have good ones for all cat lovers. They don't take too many of your dollars either. This picture is one of my favorites. MOL!!

Click HERE to visit website cat page.

Now here is present for you.
We love you, Blogging Friends!
Happy Valentine Day!

From Buster, Sam and Rudy

For more funny cat stories, visit Gatinna's blog, My Cats and Funny Stories: HERE.


  1. Precious Valentine kitty pictures! Love the chocolates, too! Enjoy the day.

  2. Happy Valentine's Day Sweetie...
    Oh what a gorgeous share. I love seeing your handsome guy looking in the mirror. (Our cat, Tiger looked exactly like him except he had a white triangle on his little nose.)

    I have never seen such cute mice chocolates. How wonderful for your handsome guy to think of you. I love it.

    Have a gorgeous day sweetie. Many hugs and much love, Sherry

  3. They are sooooo precious! I just love love love this post!

  4. Oh, I love your blog, too! Thanks for stopping by the other day, Cindy. Have a wonderful Valentine's Day and do something nice for yourself. ~Nicole

  5. You are a special cat, usually cats don't recognize themselves in a mirror, but a few do. When I saw your picture I thought you would start to shave, lol !
    Cats on Tuesday is up !

  6. You re so wonderfully good looking that a purr would be the best present ever!

  7. Mirror mirror on the wall, who is the furrest of them all :O) Love the chocolate mice!

  8. So adorable!! Wow...fancy borders! Happy Valentine's Day to you and The Staff!!

  9. Oh My, you are a handsome kool kat for sure.
    How sweet of all of you to give your pawrents some chocolate mice.

    Happy Valentine's sweet fur babies.


  10. Oh so cute!!! and I love those "cat treats"!!

    Happy Valentines Day!


  11. Your cats on Tuesday are a pure delight, Cindy.

  12. Happy Valentines Day to all of you as well .. what wonderful photos !

  13. That's too cute, him looking at himself in the mirror like that! He really IS a handsome boy! Great capture!

  14. Mjau!

    Oh, what a charming man-cat I see in the mirror: Speil, speil på veggen der, hvem er vakrest i verden her?
    Wish you all a wonderful Valentine's Evening,,
    Huge mjauhugs from Sia

  15. Thank you so much Cindy for all of your lovely blog give away entries. They are all so much appreciated. I love your cat and I too own a cat we saved as a stray. We call him Pepto because of a movie called 'Life Stinks' with Mel Brooks.

    Thank you so much for sharing your blog, Maureen.

  16. Happy Valentine's Day!!! Big Hugs to you and all your precious kitties ;o)

  17. we love the mousie chocolates. we're sure mama would go bananas over those if we give her some for valentine's day.

    Emma and Buster

  18. We can certainly understand why you would stare at yourself in the mirror, 'cos you are handsome! We think ANY mom would love those mousies, since they a=re chocolate and all.:)

    We love your individual Valentine's pictures, too. You are all so cute.

    Happy Valentine's Day, sweet friends!

  19. That is a very handsome picture in the mirror - nice portraits at the end, too. And the chocolate mice are a perfect Valentine's treat :)

  20. Great photo of a very self conscious poser. He sure knows his way around the ladies.
    Bringing a present was a nice gesture, even if he brought HIS favourite dish.

  21. Hi there !
    Sorry for being a bit late :(
    Wish you a little late Happy Valentine <3
    Me and Mom LOVE you valentine´s card´d <3

  22. Awww, how cute, Cindy! Your cat sure is handsome and he deserves all that vanity...Christine

  23. Love the cute cat photos, Cindy. Thanks for this happy post. I hope you had a great Valentine's Day :)

  24. oh Cindy these are sweet sweet valentines! hope your day was special. xo from michele

  25. Cindy, if you visit my blog there is an award there for you :)


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