Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Spring-like Weather and a Collage

Hello Everyone,
Our weather forecast yesterday was for snow last night...between 2-4 inches. Well, I awoke this morning to bright sunshine and this is how it looks outside right now:

I know this isn't unusual for some parts of the country, but it is for northern Ohio in late December. I'm not complaining, though, as I know we'll most likely have plenty of snow in January and February.

I'm also sharing a collage that I made for a friend for New Year's.

I found the vintage postcard, with a horseshoe on it for good luck, in an antiques shop. I glued it to a piece of chipboard, and then added the vintage buttons, glitter and other embellishments. The bit of lace originally looked too "white" and didn't blend with the overall look, so I stained it in a cup of tea!

I hope everyone is having a good "in-between Christmas and New Year's" week!

Until next time,


  1. Kitties, your mommy is very creative. So good with her hands. so very opposite of our mama :)

    emma and buster

  2. That collage is beautiful! So, too, is that spring-like weather in December (believe me, we understand about how awesome that is here in CT, too). :)

    We hope you had a great Christmas! Happy New Year!

  3. That is a very beautiful collage!

  4. Fabulous photos, Cindy! Loved getting your newsletter. Your artwork for your friend is totally beautifully created. I wish you a Happy New Year, may 2012 bring all good things to you. Hugs, your friend, Gayle.

  5. Beautiful blue skies and is that green grass I see! :o) Enjoy it while it lasts.
    Beautiful collage, such a lovely present!
    Have a great day.
    Always, Queenie

  6. your collage gift looks delightful Cindy; bet you had fun putting that together too. Well, I'll await for the wonderful U.S. snow photos another day ....

  7. Hi Cindy ;o) I love your pictures! We got some snow last night, and I have to admit, I am thankful for it. Although, I am a little soar from snow shoveling! LOL! Your collage art is gorgeous!! Take Care ;o)

  8. I loveeeeeeeeeeee your collage! I love love love the vintage goodies! :):):):):):):):):):):)

  9. Oh WOW, I love your collage!!! You are so super-talented!! Love, Cindy

  10. That is gorgeous! We wanted to thank you for stopping by our blog and saying hi. It is very nice to meet you, your blog is beautiful.

  11. Hi Cindy, We are having spring like weather here too in Minnesota, only our grass is brown, not green.
    Your collage is beautiful. You are so talented.
    Wishing you a Happy New Year
    Hugs, Barb

  12. Thanks for visiting my blog and following along! It's nice to meet you :) Your weather is looking as lovely as ours here in Nebraska!

  13. Such a lucky friend to be receiving your beautiful creation. Very pretty!
    We're really in need of rain out here, but will probably get it all in January or February. The days are sunny, but cold for us.
    Have a wonderful, happy, and healthy 2012.

  14. Hi Cindy, thanks a ton for stopping by and following my blog! Your stuff is beautiful and I can't wait to see more! -Kris

    P.S. You have an awesome name!

  15. Its really warm here to for this time of year! but I'm not complaining, I LOVE it!!
    Great altered book for your friend.
    Have a Happy New Year
    hugs Lynn

  16. Oh! You're the 'other' Cindy Adkins...which, if I had met you first, I would be saying the other Cindy is the 'other' Cindy Adkins. Anyway, the world of artists is such a fun place to be. I began my blog in March of this year (2011). I love working with vintage fabric and's hard to stop buying them on Etsy! Maybe I will actually MAKE something this year with my lovely finds, as last year went way too fast and was way too busy. I admire those who do swaps and who post what they have made. Your collage for your friend is very pretty and inspiring.
    Have a lovely New Year!
    Teresa in California

  17. Hi Cindy
    I just added your blog button to my side bar. I am a writer too. My brother Troy Howell has been a professional childrens book illustrator and author for over 40 years and has a new book out titled 'The Dragon of Cripple Creek'(available on Amazon) His blog is: Troy Howell Studio and his 'Penchant' main title will take you to many items on his right side bar. Thank you for becoming a follower of my blog too!
    Teresa in California

  18. I hope you have a wonderful New Year! Love the card- you've done a fantastic job. I know the winters in Ohio. We lived in Columbus for a few years and had a few blizzards while there - great memories! We had such fun in that snow! It will come!
    God Bless,

  19. Hi, Cindy
    Thank you for all of your sweet comments on my blog! I know I am going to enjoy coming to your blog a lot!
    Ah, yes, my doll collection. Since I have been in the Cloth and Clay doll ning site since the fall of 2008, I was in with an amazing group of very talented handmade doll artists. It has been a joy meeting such talented and women both. They have shared their own lives on their own blogs and I have seen many submit their doll creations to be photographed and published in Art Doll Quarterly and PRIMS, two Stampington publications that I adore! I had the care of my husband's invalid mother for two years which was right about the time I fell in love with doll making, so my hobby was set aside for a while (she passed away in August)...because that was the case, I began collecting from the doll makers whom I so greatly admired, hence, I have about 30 dolls I have collected. It has been fun collecting them and I was also supporting handmade artists, which I think is so very important with the economy the way it is. I have enjoyed my dolls and now it is time to begin parting with them as I have grown family members who are in need of help with their finances, so I am parting with many of my dolls.
    And...I need to start making more of my own dolls too!
    Have a very lovely New Years~
    Oh, and I will keep Sheridan in my prayers.
    Did you see the ABC blurb that went viral of the young man who was 18, and passed away on Christmas? He had a heart problem all of his life. What a message he had on a you-tube video...heart rending but a sincere blessing.

  20. Beautiful Cindy, what a great gift. Stopping by to wish you a most blessed New Year. (())

  21. Love you pretty collage you made for you friend! I am sure she is going to love it!

    Happy New Year!


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