Sunday, December 25, 2011

A Special Gift ~

I want to share a special gift that I received from my good friend, Cindy Adkins, who has a fabulous blog called Whimsical Musings. This beautiful collage was created by Cindy on a vintage book cover and has a little charm that says "know" hanging from the ribbon.

This image reminds me of my dear mother. It exudes such peace and the "know" reminds me that she is one of my angels, watching over me as I go through life.

Cindy is a best-selling author and very talented artist. More importantly, though, she has such a generous spirit, as all those in blogland who know her would agree. To read her post about our special friendship "A Tale of 2 Cindys," click HERE.

Until next time, Merry Christmas Everyone! 



  1. Oh my gosh, Cindy,I KNEW that you would realize what the "know" was about!!! It was my way of saying that your mom was with you on Christmas~Wishing you the best Christmas ever~

  2. What a lovely gift from Cindy. She is so nice. Merry Christmas to you and your family :)

  3. I love everything about this collage! The Sacred Heart of Mary and the turquoise rose are so lovely.
    And your blog is beautiful. I am your newest follower : ) Thank you for your kind comments on my blog.
    Your kitty, Rudy, looks like out BW : )

  4. oops...I meant 'our' : )

  5. That is a wonderful gift from Cindy. I just found you and I am looking forward to reading more posts. I am your newest follower. I hope you can come and visit and have a Merry Christmas Linda P.S. My younger sister's name is Cindy. She died in 2004.

  6. I am so excited you two found each other! That is AWESOME!! I loveeeeeeeeee what she sent you!!! Thanks for following me too!! I am following you now also! Merry Christmas! :):):):):):):):):):):):)

  7. Hi Cindy! A sweet gift to you and special in that it has a real sentiment deep within for you. Best wishes from me.

  8. Thanks so much for visiting and now following my blog. So happy you found me, now I have found you. Beautiful blog and I look forward to visiting often.

    LadyCat is awesome!

    Happy Holidays to you and yours!

  9. O, Cindy...this is such a sweet post. I feel the very same...that my mama is an angel watching over my brother and I. Even tho I am olden, you never get too old to love, miss and "talk to your mom", even tho she has been walking with Jesus now for almost 24 years.:)
    Hope your Christmas is wonderful
    Thanks so much for following...I'm following right back...:))
    xo bj

  10. Hi Cindy, so nice to meet you. It is very cool you have the same names and have become such good friends. thank you for dropping by my blog, look forward to visiting and getting to know you. happy holidays. hugs.

  11. Hi Cindy, thanks for visiting my blog yesterday, nice to meet you! Valerie

  12. Two Cindy Adkins? Are you kidding me? Are you trying to confuse an OLD BLOND? C'monnnn...

    Okay- I am here and signing up as your newest follower. Any friend of Cindy Adkins is a friend of mine! (figure that out).

    Thank you for finding me and you sweet comment. I'll be back....(you poor girl)....xo Diana

  13. Cindy, how beautiful! What a special gift! I hope your Christmas was very special ;o) Hugs ;o)

  14. Oh how beautiful! What a wonderful, wonderful gift! You are blessed to have such a friend!

  15. Dear Cindy,

    Many thanks for visiting me and was lovely to discover the other Cindy Adkins. How neat that you two have become friends and have the same name.
    Thanks for following and now I will follow your blog.
    Warmest wishes for all the very best for the holidays and a year ahead filled with happy days.


  16. Hi Cindy!
    So nice of you to stop by my blog and to have become a follower of mine. Thank you so much!
    I'm excited to be YOUR newest follower too. :)

  17. What a special and beautiful gift!


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