Friday, November 4, 2011

The Golden Maidenhair ~

Officially, we're six weeks into autumn ~ but in Ohio where I live, December is generally much more a "winter" month than fall, which means we're well over halfway through the season. Sunny, mild weather is forecast for the weekend. So, this means the next few days will, most likely, be the last chance for prime "leaf peeping." The streets of our small downtown are lined with ginkgo trees. In autumn, their leaves turn the most gorgeous shade of golden-yellow that seem to glow from within when the sun hits them. I took these photos today - they're not photoshopped or enhanced at all. The sky really was that deep blue and the leaves that golden!


The ginkgo is also known as the Maidenhair Tree and dates to very early in human history. The leaves are easily recognized by their unique fan shape.
Photo of ginkgo leaf: courtesy Wallace Gardens

Photo of ginkgo leaves: courtesy Wikipedia

More color from around town:

Until next time, I hope you're enjoying these golden days of autumn!

Linking to Seasonal Sundays on The Tablescaper
                  Outdoor Wednesday on A Southern Daydreamer


  1. Wow the trees in your neighborhood look beautiful! And I just became a follower! :o)

    Hugs XX

  2. Great shots Cindy! We don't have ginkgo trees around here. The golden yellow trees from my maple trees are all on my lawn after the wind today.
    Have a great autumn weekend.

  3. I love the ginkgo tree; beautiful photos you took Cindy.

  4. Such pretty colors and shapes. The trees are just starting to get gorgeous down here.

  5. Hi Cindy. Thank you for sharing these beautiful Ginko images. I have never seen a 'real' Ginko tree but have always been fascinated by photos of them, and the uniquely beautiful shape of the leaves. Thank you for commenting on my Paper Whimsey card. Hope you have a great weekend. I am just going to start my, huh? lol. Hugs, Gayle.

  6. We have those trees here in KY also. I didn't know that they were ginko trees. I also love burning bush. They're as red as that is yellow. I planted one this year.

  7. Love the ginko trees. They line the downtown street of our little town and the leaves look so beautiful.Beautiful photots.

  8. Such beautiful photos of the ginkgo tree with its golden leaves. I love how the leaves courteously fall all at once, making the leaf raking less painless. We planted a small one in our yard so it will be years before we can enjoy such a beautiful fall sight.

  9. unbelievably gorgeous! so glad you got out and captured this beauty to share with the rest of us! xo

  10. Cindy, your golden trees are the way the maples in our yard usually look but not this year. They are not brightly colored and the leaves are quickly falling off. I will have to look at your photos and be reminded of what could have been. Hehe. That ginko tree has beautiful color and I love the shape of the leaves. Hope you enjoy the rest of your weekend!--------Shannon

  11. Hello Cindy, I don't know why, but our little Ginko tree doesn't get that brilliant yellow! Its leaves are magnificent - maybe when it's bigger!
    Gorgeous photos!
    Hope you have a blessed weekend,

  12. What a gorgeous color especially against the beautiful blue sky.


  13. What amazing shots. The colors are so pretty...we don't have much of this in West Texas. :)

  14. Hi Cindy ~ Thank you for visiting my blog. Your pictures are goegeous ~ the golden yellow against the pure blue sky we've had here in Ohio this weekend is amazing! I love your "staff" also! I don't have a whole staff, just a "blog boss"! : )

  15. Such lovely photos. I've never seen trees that golden yellow before.
    ~Sheri at Red Rose Alley

  16. So beautiful, but I hate the smell of the berries!

    Happy to have you be a part of Seasonal Sundays.

    - The Tablescaper

  17. Those gingko trees are beautiful! I agree with the Tablescaper, though ... they smell a little funky when the berries ripen. :)

  18. Hi Cindy,

    Your photos of the ginkgo trees are just gorgeous!! The contrast of the deep blue sky and the bright yellow is just spectacular, isn't it? You captured it all beautifully. We have those trees here in NC, and I've always thought they were pretty in autumn.

    Thank you for following on my blog, and I'm now following your blog as well. I appreciate your kind comments on my fall tablescape. :)

    Hope you have a great week!


  19. I could look at Autumn color all day...your pictures are beautiful!!

  20. Truly beautiful fall photos! Seeing them and hearing your delightful music was such a nice break time for me, after doing interior painting and not getting outside today!Your newest follower, Linda

  21. Great shots. I love yellow flowers. Thanks for sharing.

    Roberto, Rio de Janeiro

  22. Very pretty!

  23. Oh, lovely yellows Cindy! Most of our leaves are gone.

  24. Yes i truly enjoyed those unique colors, especially against the blue clear sky. We dont have your four seasons so we don't see extreme color changes in trees which for us are mostly evergreen! Are those ginkgos the same as the Ginkgo biloba good in enhancing memory?

  25. We have a ginkgo tree in our living room for the winter. I know they can go outside, but I am so afraid the temps will kill it. The leaves are the most beautiful of all the trees. I adore them. They are absolutely heavenly. I hope to plant some outdoors next year. Your pictures are lovely. It is so nice getting to see bigger ones in full bloom. genie


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