Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Cats on Tuesday ~ Rudy's Turn

Hello Everyone. It has been a good week - very warm and lots of sunshine, my favorite. What's this? Our human Mom wears these on her face sometimes, but she forgot them on the bed this morning.

I wonder what she will do if I take them? I could hide them behind pillow. It might be fun watching her look all over house for them! MOL!!

Too late...she saw me with them and put on her face again.

Wait...I see something! Need closer look!!

Squirrels chasing each other up and down tree!!!

I love to watch squirrels and birds! So fun!!  Buster asked to show this picture of him in box he found. He's what we call a big "ham" - always wants his picture on computer!

Until next time, have a good week, people!
Rudy, Buster, Sam and Cindy

Linking to Gattina's blog at My Cats and Funny Stories! Click here or on orange picture above for more cat stories!!


  1. It looks like you'll have a great day of watching kitty TV! Enjoy it--and the sunshine and warm temps!

  2. MOL! Too funny!!! Jynx has gone into an antisocial state. It happens. We brought in the outside furniture and it has given her something new to explore and new places to nap (right close to a furnace vent in the basement). Thanks for sharing!

  3. Thanks Cindy: that made me smile. Rudy does look disgruntled at having your spectacles taken away!

  4. Enjoy watching those squirrels and birds. Buster you have fun in that box!

  5. Such a sweet past-time ..Ah for the life of a pampered little pussy cat... I know that she deserves all the attention...and would love to be wearing your glasses so that she can watch the birds and squirrels more closely ( ha Ha) ...Cute Post!!!!

  6. Mjau, mjau!
    Nice to get in touch with you!
    I think we have much in common, I like not only watching birds, but hunting and catching them, too.
    They are stupid: fly low, so easy to get. Mum don't like my interest, she is always looking at me with angry eyes when I show her the prey, but this is my nature!

    Goodbye mjau, Sia

  7. Love your staff and their antics. MOL!

  8. Hi Cindy, I featured you and your helpers in my post and gave you an award. Hope you like it.
    Audrey at eleganteconomies.blogspot.com

  9. I too always look for my glasses, like your mom. While I am on holiday, I got news from my little cat family they are enjoying my absence, lol ! Being spoiled so much by Mr. G !

  10. :) charming little post Cindy; your cat family look most well cared for and content where they are; lucky cats.

  11. Those are beautiful cats, Cindy. I forgot it's cats on Tuesday. Where's my camera?


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