Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Cats on Tuesday ~ Hide 'n Seek

Hello friends! Can you see me?  It's Rudy! I'm hiding in box! MOL! I found this great box Mom put in spare room. Just right size for me.

And here I am with a mouse!!  Don't worry, people ~ it's not real mouse, but a fake one! MOL!! Did I scare you? 

Mom said I should write a little bit about Sammy because he hasn't been on our special Cats on Tuesday day very much. Sam very shy, so I write for him. Mom says Sammy is very good kitty. Mostly he just want to eat, sleep and look out window...then sleep some more. So...here is Sammy eating:

Here Sam looking out window:

...and here Sam sleeping.

Have a good day, friends! If you want to see more cats and funny cat stories, click on Gattina's blog My Cats and Funny Stories.

Bye for now from Rudy!
P.S. Buster is jealous because he not on Cats on Tuesday this week!


  1. Boxes are the best places ! Even if Dior would create a cat house, a box is better !
    Sam seems to be like Kim, except she is always outside ! Or in the basement !

  2. Cute post!! Your kitties are adorable!

  3. Mjau, mjau!

    You are lucky having a friend like Sam. I think he is not bothering you at all, just being there keeping you company.
    He looks nice and handsome ;:OD)

    Mjau greetings from Sia

  4. Boxes , mousies , eating and sit and look out from the window that´s a purrfect catlife :)

  5. Your Kitties are adorable! thanks for visiting!

  6. Love your fur babies. My cats have always enjoyed playing in a box or a paper bag. They are such fun to watch playing.


  7. Hi Rudy and Sammy,
    you are both adorable cats. Boxes are so funny, aren't they?
    best greetings, Johanna + Wiski

  8. What is it with cats and boxes? Mine are obsessed with them! Rudy, both you and Sam are gorgeousness itself. Have a lovely week.xx

  9. Hello Rudy, you must be a cousin of mine cos we look alike, and your Sam looks a bit like our SammyJo, but she passed over the Rainbow Bridge a long time ago now. We like boxes too, they are lots of fun to play or sleep in. Rappy from Yorkshire

  10. Cats do love boxes and newspapers lol! You kitties are precious...your Sam favors my Rocky :)


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