Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Cats on Tuesday ~ Big Excitement!

Hey everyone, Buster here. We are late posting for Cats on Tuesday, but wait 'till you hear what happened around here last night!  We had big booms and light in the sky! Mom calls it thunderstorm! Whatever it is - we do NOT like it!  I sat on Mom's lap whole time and would not budge. Sam go hide behind chair and Rudy go upstairs under bed! Mom had TV box on the whole time and said something called tornado warning for us. Then she said "it's raining cats and dogs out there!"  I looked ~ but I didn't see any cats or dogs, so I don't know about that? All I saw was water coming down - so much water, it was hard to see out window! Then more big booms and whole sky light up like daytime, BUT it was night! Anyway ~ this go on and on, so now today everyone sleepy.

Rudy on sofa couch

Sam sleeping on rocky chair

...and here is cute photo of me, Buster, on bed.

So, we're sorry we're so late with our special day post, but no one get much sleep around here last night. I hope you don't have any of those big thunderboomers around your house!
Until next time,
Buster, Rudy and Sam

Click on link below or orange cat picture above for more cat stories!


  1. Sometimes those thunderboomers can be really scary Buster. We had rain but no bad weather. Glad things are calmed down now.

  2. Buster, Rudy, and Sam, What's wrong with you? I love thunderstorms like that.

  3. Buster, we don't like those thunderstorms much, either! Well, Moosey doesn't, anyway. One of the blessings of Sammy getting older is that he does not quite hear as well as he used to, so stuff like fireworks and thunder don't phase him anymore. We sure are glad things are back to normal today. :)

  4. Hey Buster ... it's a good thing mom was around to cuddle you ... Sweet dreams ...MEOW and Kitty treats to you ...

  5. Hi furry friends and their human. We had those thunderboomers here in PA too. My crazy human was the nervous one. I was sleeping all nice and cozy on the fuzzy blanket on the bed. She had that tv box thing on too. She says she was more scared because the male human wasn't home, but either way I think she is foolish. They speak of hail and crazy winds, I know nothing about it. See you next week. Jynx

  6. Your thunderboomer storm sounds like it's a lot scarier than we get here in SO. CA. Our Mama likes them if they aren't too close. We all like the rain. Tornadoes? Nope we never have those just earthquakes!

  7. Our house was struck by lightning Sunday and although we are all perfectly OK, it fried the outside phone lines so we were cut off. Au was under the bed, and Guido and Target sat on top of us for protection. Storms just are no fun!

  8. Hello you gorgeous little kitties, I hope you get lots of sleep tonight, if it starts all over again, go into mums bed. That's what I used to do when I got scared in the night,but don't tell mum I told you to. Oh, but you can thank mum for visiting me and now I'm your newest follower too.
    I haven't got any lovely furry babies like you anymore,but at least now I've found you, I can come visit every Tuesday. Hugs until next week xx

  9. LOL--Oh this is adorable!!! I'll bet it was loud! My cat is afraid of thunder and lightening...it's so incredibly loud here when that happens...Your kitties are adorable!! Tell them that "the other Cindy" sends a hug!

  10. too cute! glad everyone stayed safe! xo

  11. OH so sorry to hear you had some scare Buster. but you chose wisely; i'd go for mom's lap too when things go bad

    emma and buster

  12. OMC !!! You all can sleep under thunderstorm !!!!
    Any tips for me, You guys are genius !!!!
    But Stay safe my friends
    Paws Crossed for you guys and the mom

  13. LOL....so cute. Funny how an, um adult, can suspend belief & actually 'know' that Buster did a fine job writing this post. Can't wait for his next report. We get those scary storms here sometimes, too. Glad all is OK!


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