Monday, October 24, 2011

More Fall Colors ~ Indian Mill

The leaves are at peak color in Northwest Ohio this week. I love autumn and can't get enough of it! I hope to get out and about later in the week. In the meantime, here's some of the color I've captured at the Indian Mill in Wyandot County, Ohio on the Sandusky River. This structure was built in 1861 to replace the original one-story building the U.S. government built in 1820 for the Wyandot Indians.

For history buffs (like me), you may enjoy seeing this old millstone located on the grounds, used by the Native Americans to grind corn prior to the mill being built.

More fall color around the area...

I hope you've enjoyed my autumn photos...
 Have a wonderful week!

                                Outdoor Wednesday on A Southern Daydreamer
                              Time Travel Thursday on The Brambleberry Cottage


  1. Gorgeous! I love history and fall color. Thanks for sharing the beauty.

  2. I love Autumn colors. Your photos have captured those colors beautifully.

  3. Oh! Oh! Oh! Stunning landscapes of Autumn trees - my favorite, too! Something so peaceful about such a landscape. Really hate my work week keeping me so busy indoors sometimes . . .


  4. Hi Cindy, thank you for your encouraging comments at Behind the Gate. I went to your site and said to myself, on my goodness, my favorite things! Art, books, and tea! I love seeing autumn all over the country. I was just at a blog showing pictures in Iowa, and I loved seeing it where you live. I am going to put you on my blog roll and stop by again soon.
    Gayle from Behind the Gate

  5. How lovely! We don't' get autumn in tropical Malaysia but I do enjoy seeing all the colours on blogs!

  6. Your photos are stunning, Cindy. Thanks indeed for sharing them.

  7. Love it!!! Those old mills generally have some of the best seasonal scenes! Thanks for sharing. Work and weather are prohibiting fall viewing here. I will enjoy it through your pictures. Maybe i will look through some old pictures, hmm, thanks for the thought!! have a great day! ~jen

  8. Hi, Cindy, thanks for stopping by on Pink Saturday and for following along with me. I'll be following your blog as well.

    Your photos are gorgeous! I especially love the ones which show the beautiful blue sky. The bright leaves against such a sky are spectacular, aren't they?


  9. Hi Cindy,
    Oh how I love the pic of this mill. What a wonderful bit of history. I too am a history nut. I have been to Columbus. Have relatives that live there. How far away is this located? I think millstones are wonderful yard art. Thanks so much for following me and your sweet comment. Glad to have found you. Now a follower.

  10. What pretty pictures. I've been to Wyandot County a few times and I always found it to be such beautiful countryside. You have captured it perfectly.

  11. Enjoyed your fall show and the history lesson.

  12. This is my favorite time of year and for reasons so obvious in your pictures. Great shots. How nice to have some sunny days to make those leaves glow.

  13. The colors are just the old mill too...thanks for sharing these beautiful views :)
    By the way I love cats too...yours are adorable in the post above...I'm gonna go check out that Cats On Tuesday Party...I am so glad you shared that :)
    Big hugs,

  14. Rudy and Buster are really good helpers with the blog. I really enjoyed seeing a touch of history on this trip to your blog.
    Joyce M

  15. Oh, beautiful fall colours Cindy.

  16. Just beautiful, Cindy! I can't get enough of fall either. Our trees are beginning to turn now, and I love the warm colors that are appearing. By the way, I'm a history buff myself.

    Thanks for linking to Time Travel Thursday again this week.

    Liz @ The Brambleberry Cottage

  17. Cindy, I just love the picture of the old mill and the autumn trees. I was just through Ohio a couple of weeks ago, but it was raining. I did a post on stopping at the Marblehead Lighthouse on my way to New Hampshire. I will post some of the fall color in NH in a few days.

  18. What beautiful photos! I love traveling in that part of the country in the Fall! It's a delight every turn you make! ♥


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