Saturday, October 15, 2011

Kingwood Center ~

Kingwood Center is a 47-acre public garden/estate located in Mansfield, Ohio. At one time, it was a private residence. My sister and I have been planning a visit since spring (when it's most well-known for its' lavish display of tulips and other spring blooms.) So, finally this past week we was overcast and rainy, but it didn't dampen our fun at all. In fact, it was nice seeing it for the first time in the "off season," because there were no crowds.  I can't believe I've lived in Ohio for years and had never seen this gem!

The lane leading into Kingwood Center

Built in 1926 by Mr. and Mrs. Charles Kelley King, Kingwood Center was opened to the public in 1953. Mr. and Mrs. King never had children, and most of their estate was left to the private foundation that continues to operate Kingwood Center today. Mr. King made his fortune working with the Ohio Brass Company.

The gardens at Kingwood Center include a spectacular spring display of tulips, crocus, daffodils, redbuds, dogwoods and magnolias. In summer, this transitions into annuals, peonies, iris, daylilies, herbs, roses, a shady woodland garden and much, much more. They also have a greenhouse of tropical flowers and  succulents. This time of year, there weren't many flowers in bloom, of course, but the autumn colors were gorgeous! There's also an array of winding paths and curving stairways, stone walls the enclose hidden gardens, statuary, ponds and fountains, and benches to sit and relax.

Just a few of the statues in the various gardens at the estate.

A view of the back of the mansion from one of the gardens.

Until next time, I hope you've enjoyed this tour of Kingwood Center! To visit their website, click HERE.



  1. Hi Cindy,
    What a wonderful and magical place to visit. I know that it had to be so much fun with your sister.

    Thanks for becoming a follower on my blog. It's so nice to meet you. I'll be following you too and I'll be back often.


  2. How fabulous! We love visitng Butchart Gardens near here in the off season as well...much nicer without the crowds. You can linger without feeling you are holding folks up! A you did a wonderful job with your photos. Thanks for the tour!

  3. What beautiful pictures. I grew up in Ashland and had many relatives who lived in Mansfield. I have visited Kingwood Center at Christmas, the summer and in the spring, but have never seen it in the fall. Thank you so much for sharing it's beauty.

  4. Hi Cindy! What a fabulous estate! Awesome photos, must be a wonderful place to visit. Thank you for your comment. BTW, I have put your blog button on my blog...I am following as well and also by e-mail. I have blog buttons for both my websites, I hope you will pick them up. ttys. Hugs, Gayle.

  5. Hi again...I forgot...You asked about my "A Tasteful Touch" header....yes, it is a Waterhouse image, Ophelia Lying in the Meadow..1889, I believe. I like his work as well.

  6. Wow Cindy what a fabulous estate. I love history and am so grateful you could share your journey with us. Your photos are wonderful!


  7. Gorgeous place, Cindy! I loved seeing all the photos. Would love to visit!

  8. Such a beautiful place and gorgeous photos. Thanks for visiting my blog and commenting.

  9. Hi Cindy,
    What a beautiful place this is...thank you for taking us on a virtual tour. Your photos are great...I especially like the one of the steps. I love visiting your blog!
    Cheryl at My Sister's Cottage

  10. What a beautiful and peaceful place to visit.
    ~Sheri at Red Rose Alley

  11. Hi Cindy! Those are some fabulous gardens. I love the stone and statues too. Thanks so much for sharing with my newbie party.

  12. Thanks for sharing! Mansfield is a couple hours from us. We will have to put it on our list of things to do! Your photos are great!!!

  13. How lovely it looks! Quite Romantic.

  14. Hi Cindy,
    What a beautiful place to visit! Isn't it fun to discover something so wonderful close to home. A perfect get away. Thanks for sharing.

  15. Hi Cindy,

    I wanted to stop by and thank you again for taking the time to leave a comment and becoming my newest follower. Your site looks so inviting and I will make it a point to stop in.

    Thanks again,

  16. This place is beautiful, I love visiting places like this. I so enjoyed the pictures and tour...thanks so much for sharing :)
    Big hugs,

  17. Hi Cindy, what a beautiful place to visit. Can you imagine living there? Thanks for sharing your experience. I'm visiting and following from Debbie's Newbie Party and I hope to visit often. Please come and follow me also.

  18. The mansion is stunning and the gardens beautiful. Thanks for the Fall tour...the color is wonderful!

    I appreciate you linking to Potpourri Friday. You make the party more fun!

  19. What a wonderful place to visit...even off season the colors are beautiful!!Wonderful photos!!

  20. What a beautiful place. So happy that you chose to join Seasonal Sundays.

    - The Tablescaper

  21. The place is beautiful. It looks like the setting for a fairy tale. I would love to visit.

    I found this post through Debbiedoo's Newbie Party.

  22. Lovely photos! So nice to discover a new gem. Laura, Cottage and Broome

  23. I enjoyed this magical adventure. I loved the autumn leaves surrounding walkways. It was like turning back the clock to see such a house and gardens with statues.
    Joyce M

  24. I came back to tell you I shared this link on my facebook page. One of the ladies I work with came up to me this morning and said she was so glad I shared it. The story is this: many years ago there is someplace her sister and she went with their Mother. She was thinking back on this place recently and has wanted to go back but she couldn't remember the name of place. The place was Kingwood! She was thrilled I shared the link. Have a great evening. Jen


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