Friday, October 28, 2011

I'm a Cat Person...enough said

"A catless writer is almost would be easier to write with a herd of buffalo in the room than even one cat; they make nests in the notes, and bite the end of the pencil and walk on the typewriter keys" Barbara Holland  *

*make that computer keys today!  CA

 "...If man could be crossed with the cat, it would improve man, but it would deteriorate the cat." Mark Twain


"The smallest feline is a masterpiece."  Leonardo da Vinci

"Cats are love on four legs" Richard Torregrossa

"Kittens are born with their eyes shut. They open them in about six days, take a look around, then close them again for the better part of their lives." Stephen Baker

Until next time, have a great weekend!

"In a cat's eyes, all things belong to cats" English Proverb


  1. Those sweet pink noses are so cute!! I loved all the pictures. You are so right about it being easier to write with a herd of buffalo in the room.
    I have to laugh at the things my two do when I am trying to type or even see the screen.

    Happy weekend

  2. adorable photographs and sweet notes ...

  3. awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww love it so much xox

  4. I love your photos! We are wrapped around our Tinker's we loved your post! Especially the pink noses for Pink Saturday and the cat quotes. Thanks so much!

  5. I used to be mainly a dog person, but also liked cats. I just didn't bond with cats like I did with dogs. Recently, I have really bonded with my (now four) cats. I find them so peaceful to be around. I'll have to do a cat post on my blog soon.

  6. Sweet! Love those whiffly noses. Happy Pink Saturday!

  7. Love your cat photos. I'd be a cat person too, but I'm allergic.

  8. Cats truly are amazing. Mine is currently upset with me. I love your blog for many reasons. I've given you the Liebster Award. Check it out here

  9. These are such sweet photos...I pinned one and sent one of your quotes to a grandson that loves cats...:)
    xo bj

  10. Happy Pink Saturday Cindy Sweetie...
    What a gorgeous share today. I love little pink noses. Yours are exquisite. Cats and kittens are so inquisitive and I love to watch them at play. They never tire do they? Give them a paper sack or box and they go to play. What fun to watch them if golf is on TV, they will chase that ball across the screen and bat at it. SO much fun to watch.

    We can't have cats in our house anymore, both DH and I have horrible asthma, but I did grow up with Siamese cats and they were so much fun.

    I am Country Wings in Phoenix, your newest follower. I can't wait to see what you share next sweet friend. Country hugs, Sherry

  11. What a fun post!! Your pictures of the cats along with the saying were just wonderful! Love the pictures of their sweet faces.
    Happy Pink Saturday!

  12. How sweet! I love the last one...white with a little pink nose--how cute!

    HaPpY pInK sAtUrDaY!

  13. OH, and I forgot...I would like to invite you to my weekend linkup. It involves anything related to homemaking: recipes, sewing, decorating, crafts, DIY, a story about what you did today, etc! I know you'd be a great addition to the party!

    Hope you have a lovely weekend!

    HaPpY pInK sAtUrDaY!

  14. ahhh Cindy ... pure love up there. ( Of course you know we are NOT cat people.)


  15. Hi Cindy!

    You know, I am actually allergic to cats (I know, very sad)...BUT when I was growing up, I actually had cats as pets!!! :) I was ok being around them when they were outside of the house, but once inside - I'd get sooo sick!!! But they are sooo cute, I had various kitties growing up. And my sister LOVES cats, and she has two of her own. When I come to visit her, she has to vacuum her entire house and turns on an air filter for at least half a day before I come in (then leaves it on while I'm there)! Then if it still gets really bad, I take some medication. I just had to share that little tidbit, because even though I'm allergic to them and they make me so sick, I still consider myself a "cat person" too! :)

    Happy Pink Saturday to you and thank you so much for dropping by my page!


  16. Cindy - This was a perfectly brilliant Pink Saturday post - possibly the most perfect one I've seen yet! This, of course, has nothing to do with my love of cats and the fact that I have one - even now - sleeping directly in front of me as I type, and the other sleeping on top of the printer above me. Too precious!


  17. these cat noses are awesome! and the quotes are lovely. happy pink saturday! xo

  18. This is the best PINK ever!
    I so love it!

  19. I agree with all the quotes especially Mark Twain's. I have 2 cats love on legs. I love dogs too but cats are special. My white cat has that adorable pink nose your photo shows I just love that she is pink and white since I am a PINK Girl all the way with a pink blog too!
    I loved your post today


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