Friday, September 2, 2011

Mom's Pink Depression Glass

In Loving Memory of My Mother, Nellie Mae
January 14, 1925 - September 4, 1998

 This weekend, September 4th, marks the 13th anniversary of the passing of my beautiful mother. I can hardly believe it's been 13 years. It seems like just yesterday that I'd pick up the phone for a long chat about our shared passions for gardening and geneaology, or to just catch up on family news. Mom also collected depression glass for a time. I remember the first time I heard the term "depression glass."  Many years ago, I'd gone to a garage sale with Mom and my Aunt Verba, where I bought a couple of pretty glass plates that caught my eye. One was light green in color and the other was clear glass, but had beautiful little etched flowers on it. When we got home, Mom said "that's depression glass!"  Depression glass?  What's that? I learned that depression glass is glassware that was distributed for free around the time of the Great Depression in the United States. Many companies would put one piece of it in a box of food, such as oatmeal, and it was also given away at gas stations, movie theaters, or restaurants to encourage sales. One could also purchase depression glass at "five and dime" stores for a very low cost. It was made in colors of pink, green, yellow, blue, amber and clear glass. There are more than 100 patterns of depression glass, and it's become highly collectible since the 1960s. I remember what fun Mom had researching "her pattern," which was pink and called Mayfair Open Rose. No internet back then, so she'd pour over books about depression glass that she'd get from the local library. She found pieces at garage sales, auctions and from other collectors.  Mom eventually had every single piece made in the Mayfair Open Rose pattern. I'm so lucky to have such sweet memories of a dear lady who meant so much to so many. I miss you, Mom!


I'm linking this to "Pink Saturday" on How Sweet the Sound. I'd like to thank Beverly for hosting Pink Saturday. I've discovered so many beautiful blogs from participating in it!  This week I'm linking to Mary's Meanderings, because I so enjoyed her gorgeous photos of the old china coffee/chocolate pot that she found at a thrift store! What a lovely blog!
Happy Weekend, Everyone!


  1. Oh my gosh, Cindy, we not only have the same name, we almost have the same plate! I am so sorry to hear of the passing of your mom...and there are no words to describe how that feels, I am sure. I will write you an email...I've got something else to tell you about in regard to that.

    Sending big (((hugs))) your way,

  2. I know, Cindy, so many things in common! I couldn't believe when I looked to see what you'd posted for Pink Saturday and saw pink depression glass! lol!!! Hugs to you, too!

  3. Cindy, I am so glad you are enjoying Pink Saturday.

    This is such a lovely tribute to your mother. I share her love of this pattern. I have the iced beverage glasses, and I love them.

    Thank you for sharing your memories with us.♥

  4. What lovely pink tableware! And even more special - your delightful family memories. What a wonderful legacy your sweet mother left. Thank you for sharing it.

  5. P.S. Love your gorgeous flowers too! My own senior mom is a big gardening buff and would find them quite lovely as well! :)

  6. It's good to have wonderful memories of your mom..mine has been gone 11 years and I miss talking to her too. (())

  7. @Beverly, thank you. My Mom was a special lady and I enjoy sharing my memories of her. I'm enjoying Pink Saturday so much! Very glad I discovered it!

    @Kaye, thank you so much for stopping by! Peonies were one of my Mom's favorite flowers, which is why I posted that shot I took of one of mine. So happy you enjoyed reading my post!

    @Francie, I'm sorry your Mom is no longer with you, either. Nothing ever takes their place. Thank you for visiting my blog and taking the time to leave a comment.

  8. What a coincidence to come over to 'see' what you are up to today. My mother has been gone 10-months yesterday--which is impossible to believe. Missed her so much yesterday and today w/o even remembering it was the 1st till read this. Subconscious knows even when consciously not focused on date. Frankly, it's very depressing to lose one's mother. Even though keep trying to find a positive frame.

    Thanks for this, Cindy. Hugs.

  9. French Heart, you're welcome...and I'm glad you "found" your way over here tonight. I understand completely. My life has never been quite the same since losing my parents. Warm hugs to you, too.

  10. Hi! it's nice to meet and follow you through Pink Saturday's Link up thingy!
    I love your blog title...

    I collect glass objects too..mainly gold's so much fun!

    Stop by and see my Pinky Post!

    ciao bella

    Creative CArmelinA

  11. She may be gone, but she left with you with wonderful memories and treasures.

  12. @LV and Carmelina, thank you ladies for stopping by my blog! Carmelina, I have a few pieces of Fenton - love it, too! Actually, I love all pretty glassware and dishes (which I get that from my Mom!)
    LV, you're so right - I have many wonderful memories of my Mom. Thank you!

  13. What lovely glassware. I love the color. It is good to have so many beautiful memories.
    Happy pink Saturday

  14. Thank you, Riet. Happy Pink Saturday to you, too!

  15. Those are beautiful pieces Cindy. Did your mom leave her daughters her collection?

  16. Happy...Happy Pink Saturday..I pray that God will bless you all through out the coming week...
    your pinks are so pretty...
    God Bless You...


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