Wednesday, July 20, 2011

~ Heat Wave ~

It's extremely hot and muggy in Northwest Ohio and many other parts of the U.S.A. this week. My cat Rudy, who usually wants to live outdoors 24-7 in the summertime, even wants to stay inside with the air conditioning. Heat advisories are in effect all along the East Coast, Gulf Coast and the Midwest. While the summer sizzles, don't forget to stay hydrated...check on elderly neighbors or those who are without AC...and don't forget that animals can suffer from heat stroke, also. Provide pets with plenty of water and a shady place to escape the hot sun. Stay safe, everyone, and stay cool.

For those not in the grip of the heat wave, I hope you'll enjoy the following "cool" images anyway!



  1. I am cooling off just seeing these pics! But as hot as it gets, I am still a summer person. :-)

  2. With a name like "Sunshine" - it doesn't surprise me that you're a "summer" person! : ) So happy you enjoyed the cool pics, though!


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