Thursday, June 2, 2011

Big Sur Love

It has been said that "Big Sur is as much a feeling as it is a place.” Along this stretch of Pacific Ocean coastline in central California, steep cliffs plunge into the sea and the surf beats endlessly against the rocks. In secluded coves, the sea gently washes in and out, as sea crabs scuttle across the open beach. The area is almost desolate and the only indication one gets of habitation is the occasional mailbox or rooftop peaking through the lush forest. Few homes or roads dot the landscape, except for the curving Pacific Coast Highway that in itself is a wondrous and breathtaking thing that seems at one with the beauty over which it journeys. The cry of seagulls circling overhead and the barking of a sea lion is often the only sound one hears to interrupt the constant roar of the surf. Such power...yet such peace. In the words of e.e. cummings: “for whatever we lose (like a you or a me) / it's always ourselves we find in the sea.”

Until next time,

1 comment:

  1. Cindy,
    This is a beautiful posting. The photos are gorgeous. Did you take them? Have you been to big sur? I have, and I will never forget the experience! We stopped along the way for pictures and we ate a really nice restaurant. I loved the little tow Carmel by the Sea. It is my dreaam to have a cottage in Carmel by the Sea one day. I could always plan another trip there.



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