Sunday, February 26, 2012

Cats on Tuesday - Buster, The Story of Me


Friends, this is true story of how I came to live with Mom, Sam and Rudy. Many years ago when I already a grown man cat, I lost my way. Was very cold outside with ice on ground. I decided I need to find new home quick before I freeze in tracks. I watched Mom for a while. When she carry food bags into house, she leave door open long enough for me to run inside. I see food in bowls on floor, so I help myself.

Mom turned around, saw me and said "Well, where did you come from?" I do lots of loud purrs at this point. She pick me up, making cuddle with me. Two other young kitties already there, so I know this is going to be easy job for me. Mom took me around neighborhood, knocking on doors and saying "is this your cat?"  Everyone say "no, we never saw him before." Then she take me home and say " it's so cold better sleep here tonight." Next day, she called cat shelter and when no one claim me...I have new home with her and 2 young ones she call Sam and Rudy! Then, she give me new name of Buster.

Soon, I'm right at home, playing with fake mousies, eating good food and sleeping in warm house.

I become boss of young ones and keep them in line by biting their ears. I even train Mom to drip faucet in tub so I have fresh water all the time. Life is good. So, friends, moral of this story is: if you ever lose your way, watch for open door and make new life. This is true story of me.

Until next time,

For more funny cat stories, visit My Cats and Funny Stories HERE.


Elaine said...

Love the story of Buster...and how he came to have a cozy home Elaine

meowmeowmans said...

Buster, we love the story of you, pal! We sure are glad your Mom gotcha'd you that cold, cold day. And that you have such a loving forever family now. :)

Hugs to you all!

a quiet life said...

how sweet of your to care :)

Linda @ A La Carte said...

I love this story! Lucky Kitty to have found such a good home!

NanaDiana said...

Buster, You did a good job finding your way there! Fun story~ xo Diana

Sarah said...

Glad Buster has found a good home. Lucky kitty.

Grandma Barb's This and That said...

Buster, You weren't lost. You were right where you were supposed to be.

Julie Tucker-Wolek said...

Awwwwwwwwww Buster... you are just the sweetest!

Tammy@T's Daily Treasures said...

How sweet! I think anyone who has ever had a cat has had a Buster at some point. So glad this Buster found a warm and loving home. Best wishes, Tammy

Anonymous said...

Buster, you are sweet as can be! What a great post!

Sissie's Shabby Cottage said...

Ah little Buster, you are so cute and I'm so happy that you now have your forever home.


Gabby and Gizzy send smooches.

Connie said...

I think Buster is a very lucky cat! :-)

Anonymous said...

Oh my goodness! The story of Buster is so cute! He is adorable and I love the voice you gave him in the story. I laughted so hard! He's a funny little guy and his name is perfect. Now I've got to go read some more cat stories!

He found the perfect home.


Jill said...

A match made in heaven. You have a wonderful Mom!

Marilia said...

I loved to know more of your history Buster!

Frog Hollow Farm Girl said...

Such a sweet post! Thanks for sharing - we love kitties here at Frog Hollow Farm! xxxoo

ANNE said...

Yup, that's how my very first cat came to me... sneaky little buggers!! lol

Love it!

Anonymous said...

They have a way of slipping into our heart strings!
Cute post!
Thanks for sharing....

Ciao Bella

Creative Carmelina

Marigene said...

Thank you for taking your handsome Buster in...we have a few strays that live with us. I think they know how lucky they are to have a warm house, food and someone to love them.

Linda (More Fun Less Laundry) said...

Hi Buster, I'm coming to you from Seasonal Sundays--she has dogs, you know! Our Kitty took your advice and found us in a similar way, and made himself home and into a very spoiled kitty. Now I am following your Mom so I don't miss anymore stories about you! :) Linda

Magic Love Crow said...

Beautiful story! Made me smile big time! Thanks so much for sharing Buster ;o) You are lucky to have found such a good home!
(Cindy, I did e-mail, but just incase, I need your address again, sorry!) Hugs ;o)

Michele M./ Finch Rest said...

What a coincidence, I just posted a blog post about my own kitty today! Must be kitty week somewhere!

Buster is just too cute and I loved his story!!!! He is a lucky kitty!

The Lee County Clowder said...

You were a smart kittie, Buster. So glad you found your way to a nice home.

Maki said...

Hey, Buster, I like the name your mommie gave you! Loved reading your story. You sure came to the right place on that cold night!!!

My kitty, Sebastian, says tell you Hi! He got lost last year and it took him a long time to find his way home! He finally made it back in the middle of the night. He was so very tired and hungry and happy to be home and we were so glad to have him back.

Hugs, Maki

Romeo said...

Wow! Love it here - and what a kind hearted meowmie you have now!!! This is a wonderful story of how you came to live with her! Good thing she left the door open - would hate to have heard the story of you breaking the door down ;) Well, don't mind me here, I'm just going to go find Rudy and Sam and introduce myself. Maybe then we can all be friends!


Your new follower,


Anonymous said...

This reminds me of a friend of mine who had a cat wander into her house one winter. She looked around for something to feed her, and came up with smoked salmon and cream. Would you believe Puss then stayed!

Suz said...

What a sweet, charming story of Buster.

Cindy Adkins said...

Awww, this is totally precious!!!! And my Stella got here almost the same way!! God must have known that we would love them~XO Cindy

Barbara said...

Ahh what a a lovely story, I'm so glad you found such a wonderful new family xx

Maggie @ Shelter Cats said...

Buster, what a smart and lucky boy. Handsome too.
Thank you for visiting my blog. It's nice to meet you!

Brian's Home Blog said...

Good for you Buster! It sounds like it was just meant to be!!! Thanks for stopping by my blog today, new friends are wonderful!

Katnip Lounge said...

Buster, that is eggzactly how most of us came to live at the Lounge! Thanks for visiting us, we're following you!

Diann said...

Love this story! Your buster looks so much like my Katie (passed away a couple of years ago at the age of 23). I found her as a kitten in a bag in a dumpster.

Ellen Whyte said...

Now that is furry sensible advice! We're all rescued strays too so we know how you felt being all lost and everything. You're lucky to have found a good home.

The Tablescaper said...

Oh Buster, you are one lucky cat to have found such a loving home. Wonderful to have you be a part of Seasonal Sundays.

- the Tablescaper

Michele said...

this makes me smile! xo

Unknown said...

Oh Buster! You and your Mom are both lucky to have each other. We have Jynx because she lost her way. Sadly I think someone lost her way for her, but she is sleeping soundly on big bed as I type. Make sure you keep up those purrs!!!

Kjelle Bus aka Charlie Rascal said...

Me and mom just LOVED to read your story Buster !
All the cat´s that my mom´s parents have had over the years have done just like you = walked right in the open door :)

Linda said...

Buster very eloquent! I glad you found such a loving home to call your own. Paws for thought - bet the humans in home are glad to have you, too. What a beautiful, loving thing to do. Wishing you the purrrfect life! Your furry buddy Monza who lives with...

Linda at Beautiful Ideas

French Heart said...

Buster is very cute, wise, with a lot of confidence and faith. Delightful story!

Unknown said...

That's adorable! I'm so glad you found a new home with your sweet new mom! :)

Thanks for posting my button, Cindy! Have a great night!


Cindy said...

What a great story and wonderful moral. So glad you stopped by my blog and left a comment so I could find your blog.


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